The Esbats & Sabbats of 2024 shown across an image of woman holding red candles that are burning. Dark background, mysterious.

The Esbats & Sabbats of 2024 – A Witch’s Sacred Year

Nature’s rhythms are the roadmap for the journey of the solitary green witch as she navigates through the Wheel of the Year.

The Sabbats and Esbats are markers to guide us along this spiritual path. Observing them is a path to personal empowerment as we align our intentions, spell work, and rituals to the ebb and flow of the natural world.

Here we’ll explore the Esbats & Sabbats of 2024, along with the dates for the eclipses and Mercury Retrograde. Both of these offer potent energies that we can work with.


Note:  All dates listed for the Esbats & Sabbats of 2024 are for the eastern time zone. You might need to adjust according to your location.



The Esbats


The term Esbat is generally used to denote any event that isn’t a Sabbat. In some traditions, esbat will be used for coven meetings, while in others it is used for any special occasion. In my own practice, I use it to describe the rituals at the new and full moons.

You’ll also notice that I capitalize both Sabbat and Esbat since I feel that it’s a sign of respect for these significant dates on our calendar, just as other holiday names would be capitalized.



The Full Moons of 2024

Working with the full moon is an opportunity to release all the things that aren’t serving you. This might be physical things like the clutter you’ve been hanging onto, or it might be habits that have been hard to break or even outdated thinking that is keeping you firmly stuck in a rut that feels very much like you’re repeating the same day over and over again without moving forward.

Full moon rituals are a way to bring a bit of the sacred into each month of the year as you do the work that clears the way for your manifesting with the new moon.

Below is a list of full moon dates for 2024, along with the common names for each full moon.

Be sure to pick up your 2024 Moon Calendar & Journal here. 

Use this list to create a plan for your 2024 Full Moon Rituals.  


The Full Moon Esbats of 2024

January 25 Leo – Full Wolf Moon

February 24 Virgo – Full Snow Moon

March 25 Libra – Full Worm Moon

April 23 Scorpio – Full Pink Moon

May 23 Sagittarius – Full Flower Moon

June 21 Capricorn – Full Strawberry Moon

July 21 Capricorn – Full Buck Moon

August 19 Aquarius – Full Sturgeon Moon

Sept 17 Pisces – Full Harvest moon

October 17 Aries – Full Hunter’s Moon

November 15 Taurus – Full Beaver Moon

December 15 Gemini – Full Cold moon


The phases of the moon shown on a dark background.
The phases of the moon.


The New Moons of 2024


Manifesting with the new moon is a common practice among witches. It’s time to set our intentions for what we want to bring into our lives. What we wish for can be anything from new career opportunities, improved health or even more money to flow into our lives.

The new moon is also the perfect time to start new projects, launch a new business, or do spell work that is designed to increase something in our lives, like abundance.

Use this list of new moon dates to create your 2024 New Moon Rituals.


New Moon Esbats of 2024

January 11 – Capricorn

February 9 – Aquarius

March 10 – Pisces

April 8 – Aries

May 7 – Taurus

June 6 – Gemini

July 5 – Cancer

August 4 – Leo

September 2 – Virgo

October 2 – Libra

November 1- Scorpio

December 1 – Sagittarius

December 30 – Capricorn



The Sabbats – The Wheel of the Year


Tapping into the unique energies of each season is a way of life for the witch. Each season’s themes gently guide us on our spiritual path and in our everyday life.

Following the Wheel of the Year. we mark the changes in seasons and celebrate the 8 holidays known as the Sabbats.  Explore the Wheel of the Year here.


🪄If you’d like to explore the journey through the Wheel of the Year further, there’s a beautiful program here at Ravynwood for following this magickal path. Click here to explore Ravynwylde – A Sacred Year Journey.



The Wheel of the Year 2024

Imbolc – February 2

Spring Equinox – March 19

Beltane – May 1

Summer Solstice – June 20

Lammas – August 1

Fall Equinox – September 22

Samhain – October 31

Yule – December 21


The Wheel of the Year image shown a dark background with a hand, book and lit candle.
The Wheel of the Year



2024 Eclipses & Retrogrades


Eclipses are worth noting since the energies can feel a little more intense at these times. The simplest way to think of eclipses is that they’re amplifiers. As a green witch, you can use these amplified energies in your workings.


Here’s the list of eclipses for 2024: 

March 25 – Lunar Eclipse

April 8 – Solar Eclipse

September 17 – Lunar Eclipse

October 2 – Solar Eclipse



Mercury Retrogrades of 2024


Four Mercury Retrogrades will happen in 2024. The first of these will end on New Year’s Day (January 1, 2024).


Here are the 3 others:

April 1 – April 25

August 5 – 28

November 25 – December 15


Mercury Retrograde is commonly associated with wonky things happening, but it also offers us unique opportunities. There’s a whole post here on navigating Mercury Retrograde.




The Esbats & Sabbats of 2024:  Summary


Working with the sacred rhythms of Mother Earth will inspire you, help you find moments of reflection and growth, and weave celebrations into your everyday life.

Bringing ancient wisdom to your modern life.

So, grab your favorite calendar and enter all these dates.

(If you’re looking for an easy way to plan with the phases of the moon, there’s a pretty cool Moon Phase Planner in the Printables Store. See it here.

Here’s wishing you a wonderful and blessed 2024!


Blessed be.


Resources from this post: 

Ravynwylde – A Sacred Year Journey for the Solitary Green Witch 

Moon Phase Planner Printable 

Free 2024 Moon Calendar & Journal

The Wheel of the Year blog post

Mercury Retrograde blog post



You might like this too:  How to Create Your Green Witch Book of Seasons

The Esbats & Sabbats of 2025