The Esbats & Sabbats of 2025 blog post header image with a weed silhouetted against a sunset

The Esbats & Sabbats of 2025

As green witches, nature’s rhythms are at the center of our spiritual practice and our daily life.


The esbats & sabbats of 2025 provide a sacred framework for us as we navigate through the year’s seasonal shifts and the unique energies that come with those changes.


The Wheel of the Year and the moon’s phases are guides that support our spiritual path, personal growth and even what we do in our daily lives.


Here at Ravynwood, we like to bring the practical and magickal together every day and live our magick. To do that, we can create observations, rituals, and celebrations for the esbats and sabbat days.


In this post, I’m highlighting the 8 sabbats along with the new and full moons for 2025 but you’re not limited to celebrating just those days.


Tip:  You can add in celebrations for any dates that have special meaning to you, like traditional holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries.


You get to make the rules for your practice, so choose what feels right to you. Your witchcraft practice can draw inspiration from many sources but it’s always about creating a practice that is uniquely your own.


Let’s look at esbats & sabbats of 2025.




Note:  all dates and times for the eastern time zone of the United States. If you need to convert it to your time zone, here’s a converter you can use:  click here for it.



The Esbats & Sabbats of 2025



Full Moon Dates for 2025


January 13 – Full moon in Cancer at 5:27 pm

February 12 – Leo full moon 853 am

March 14 – Virgo full moon at 255 am

April 12 – Libra full moon 822 pm

May 12 – Scorpio full moon at 1256 pm

June 11 – Sagittarius full moon at 344 am

July 10 – Capricorn full moon 437 pm

August 9 – Aquarius full moon 355 am

Sept 7 – Pisces full moon 209 pm

October 6 – Aries full moon 1148 pm

November 5 – Taurus full moon 819 am

December 4 – Gemini full moon 614 pm




Here’s a tip:  The half way points between new and full moon, or full moon and new moon are excellent times for practicing gratitude if you don’t already have a daily practice.




The Sabbats for 2025


Imbolc – Feb 2

Spring Equinox – March 20

Beltane – May 1

Summer Solstice – June 20

Lammas – August 1

Fall Equinox – Sept 22

Samhain – October 31

Yule – December 21




The New Moons of 2025


Jan 29 – new moon in Aquarius 736 am

February 27 – new moon in Pisces 745 pm

March 29 – Aries 658 am

April 27 – Taurus 331 pm

May 26 – Gemini 1102 pm

June 25 – 632 am Cancer

July 24 – 311 pm Leo

August 23 – 207 am Virgo

Sept 21 – 354 pm Virgo

October 21 – 825 am Libra

Nov 20 – 147 am Scorpio

Dec 19 – 843 pm Sagittarius





Mercury Retrogrades for 2025


March 15 – April 7

July 18 –  August 11

November 9- November 29



Daylight Savings Time if you observe it in your area begins on March 9, 2025, at 2 am and ends on November 2, 2025, at 2am.



Lunar & Solar Eclipses of 2025


Lunar – March 14

Solar – March 29

Lunar – September 7

Solar – September 21




Sources for the information provided here from:  Llewelyn’s Magical Almanac for 2025

Note:  This is not an affiliate link, but I think you’ll love it so I’m sharing it with you. 



free witchy things vault image for signing up to the vault
Free Witchy Things Vault – click to sign up



Summary of the Esbats & Sabbats of 2025


Bookmark this post for easy reference or grab your favorite calendar and get these dates on there so you won’t forget to plan your 2025 events.



Want a PDF of all these?  Sign up for the free Witchy Vault and find a PDF of all of this information inside. Plus, there’s lots of other good stuff in there too, like one-page sabbat guides, coloring pages, free classes and more to support your witchy life.  Sign up here.


Blessed be.



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