Daffodils and narcissus flowers in a plain white vase is one of the simple ways to celebrate the spring equinox

6 Simple Ways to Celebrate the Spring Equinox


I love simple. That includes simple celebrations like these 6 simple ways to celebrate the Spring Equinox.

The Wheel of the Year has turned around to the Spring Equinox (also called Ostara). This is a celebration rooted in pagan tradition that marks the arrival of spring. It usually falls on March 20 or 21 and celebrates fertility and renewal.

Other meanings are: the midpoint between the winter solstice and the summer solstice and balance between day and night, light and dark, winter and summer.

For the green witch, springtime is a time of rebirth, renewal, and regrowth. It’s a time when the land awakens from a long winter sleep, and new life begins to burst forth, marking the start of a new cycle of longer days, warmer temperatures, and a renewal of life. Being so connected as we are to the cycles and seasons, we feel and honor this shift deep in our bones.

As busy witches, we don’t always have a lot of time to do rituals or celebrations, so in this post, there’s 6 simple ways to celebrate the spring equinox.  

Plant A Magickal Herb Garden for Making Your Own Herbal Potions

Every spring offers an opportunity to plant your very own magickal herb garden.  When you combine the techniques of traditional gardening with the magick of herbs, you create a beautiful space that’s also useful.

Choose your plants according to your needs. Herbs, flowers, and trees all have specific properties, so you can choose them aligned to how you wish to use them. Consider whether you want to plant herbs for kitchen witchery, plant medicine making or for use in your spells and potions.  Here’s one of my favorite seed suppliers – Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.

To power up your garden, you can use planting spells, plant with the phases of the moon or use energy work, like Reiki, to give your plants a boost. With just a bit of intention, planning and understanding some garden basics, you’ll be well on your way to creating your very own magickal herb garden.

You might like this handy Garden Planner Printable. 

There’s nothing quite so satisfying as digging in the warm spring dirt, planting new seeds and nurturing along your own garden until harvest time.  You can even do this if you have limited space.  Just choose a pretty container for your porch or windowsill and plant your herb seeds there.

Tip:  Check your local hardiness zone for when it’s safe to plant outdoors in your area. 


Oh, by the way, there’s a whole series on Plant Medicine here on the blog for you to check out if you need some inspiration.  Click here for the first post in the series. 


 Simple Ways to Celebrate the Spring Equinox: Meditate Under the Night Sky to Connect with Nature 


Connecting to the Universe through nature is a powerful way to create calm in your days and cultivate your sense of overall well-being.

Meditating under the night sky can help you gain a better understanding of yourself and your place in the cosmos. Whether you choose to gaze at the moon or at the stars, you can tap into your inner wisdom, find stillness and peace, and gain clarity through this simple practice.

Create an Altar 

Creating an altar is a powerful way to define a sacred place of positive energy in your life. You can use your altar for reflection, meditation, manifesting, and connecting to your guides, ancestors or even the unseen forces that work on your behalf.

By creating your altar, you’re inviting the Universe to step in and act on your behalf. Choose the items you place on your altar to represent what you want to bring into your life. For Spring Equinox you might choose symbols of abundance, rebirth or renewal to help you create the energy of your altar for your springtime rites. Eggs and daffodils are some of my seasonal favorites.


Spring Cleaning = House Magick

While most of us think of cleaning as more of a chore than a way to celebrate, cleaning becomes a magickal rite when it’s done with the intention of refreshing the energy of your home. Spring weather offers us a chance to open the windows and let the March winds blow through, clearing out the stagnant energies and refreshing our space.  It’s a good time to move the furniture, clean behind the appliances and do the crevices we don’t pay much attention to in our everyday clean up. It’s also a great time to declutter and organize.


Here’s some simple cleaning potions to try.  


Kitchen Witchery -Springtime Baking 

Bake some pretty cupcakes to share with your family and friends as you celebrate this turning of the wheel. I think of baking as a form of alchemy, so it has a magick all its own.  Decorate them with edible flowers or pretty icing colors for a little extra pop of spring.

Tip:  Check the produce section of your supermarket for edible flowers.

Here’s one of my favorite cake recipes to try.  Chocolate Vinegar Cake 


Hike with Intention (one of my favorite simple ways to celebrate the spring equinox

Take the opportunity to get out into the wild spaces (or even into your own yard) and see what is growing there. Observe the trees, flowers, and weeds. How many can you identify? (If you forage, there might be a few things available now in your area.)  If you feel particularly drawn to something, be sure to do a bit of research on it.  It’s very likely that it has a message for you.

This is also true of the weeds that grow around your home and/or garden. Over the years, I’ve had an abundance of different weeds “volunteer” in large numbers.  Only after I looked them up did I realize that they had appeared on my behalf and not just to give me more weeding to do.

Here’s a couple of other fun things to try:  Earthing or Grounding. 


Summary of Simple Ways to Celebrate the Spring Equinox 

While there’s many options for celebrating the Spring Equinox, you should always choose what resonates with you. More elaborate rituals are lovely options too, but that doesn’t take anything away from the simple ways to celebrate the season.  (Besides, there’s nothing like bringing a little magick to every day.) Make your practice your own. I hope you’ve enjoyed these 6 simple ways to celebrate the Spring Equinox.  Bright Spring Blessings!

Which of these simple ways to celebrate the Spring Equinox will you try?

Blessed be.