Live holistically, hands holding grains in the shape of heart.

What it Means to Live Holistically

What it Means to Live Holistically

Living holistically means living more naturally.  You’re connecting your body, mind, and spirit, reducing waste, encouraging natural remedies, and improving your overall wellness.  Witchery and wellness just seem to go together.

There are so many different ways to incorporate holistic living into your life. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution  to get you there.

In this post, we’ll take a look at some key points and the benefits of living a holistic lifestyle.

Benefits of Living More Holistically:

Not sure why you should live a more natural and holistic lifestyle?  Here are some of the top benefits:

1. Preventative medicine

Natural living is often confused with never going to the doctor again. This is not the case at all!   Instead, it’s more of a way to manage your health and prevent the need for conventional medicine.  You should always see your doctor if you need to.

2. Less chemicals, additives, and artificial ingredients

The more natural you are, the fewer toxins, chemicals, and additives you are going to have in your food, cleaning supplies, and personal care products. 

3. You can save money

Most people think that this lifestyle is too expensive.  While it’s true that there can be some increased costs, there are also a lot of specialty items you no longer have to purchase when you begin reducing waste and living more holistically.  This can actually save you money.

4. Overall wellness and health

Living a more natural and holistic lifestyle is not about being perfect.  Instead, it’s about improving your life.  It’s an amazing way to live a healthier life and work on overall wellness for your body, mind, and spirit.



Your Key Points:

1. Knowing What You Need to Change

Holistic and natural are very broad terms that might mean different things to different people.  To avoid becoming overwhelmed, it helps to understand some  simple ways to make changes.

Consider what your lifestyle is right now.  Take a few days to journal what you do from morning to evening.  Add all the food, self-care products, cleaning products, and everything else you use.  What are your habits?  Do the foods you eat contain a lot of unnecessary ingredients?  Do you take a lot of over-the-counter medications? What activities are you participating in?  This is all important information to figure out how you can live more holistically by making small changes.

2. Small Steps Make Big Improvements

For big improvements in your life, it takes small, simple steps.  Don’t attempt to change every single element of your life at once by replacing all your cleaning products, switching to all-natural skincare products, and never eating processed food again.  This isn’t sustainable.  Choose one small thing to change at a time, and then when you get used to this new way of living, you can change the next thing.  Like I always say, you eat an elephant one bite at a time.

Ready to get started? Your Next Steps:

Grab a journal. A spiral bound notebook will do just fine.

1.  Know your why. Why do you want to shift to a holistic lifestyle? List your reasons. (There’s no right or wrong answers here.)

2.  For the next 7 days, keep track of:

  • Everything you eat and drink.
  • Personal care products you use. How often do you use these?
  • Cleaning products you use. How often do you use these?
  • Over-the-counter medications you use and how often you use them.

At the end of the 7 days, review your list. This will help you bring awareness to what you might want to change.

3. When these two things are done, decide what small step you can make today, and then just begin.

The takeaway

Begin small. Know your why. 

Take the information from your 7-day journal and see where you can take a small step today.

The rules are simple:

  • It doesn’t have to be perfect.
  • Just begin.
  • Enjoy the journey.


Blessed be.


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