Candle with flame, pile of rocks balanced on each other, on the seashore with a sunset in the background to reflect holistic balance for body mind and spirit

Holistic Living for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Natural living encompasses so much for your overall health and wellness. As a green witch, having a sense of wellness that comes from holistic practices is important to me.

Some people think about natural living as the way they eat, others consider it about the cleaning products they use. But in reality, it is going to help your body, mind, and spirit all at once.

Here at, balance for body, mind, and spirit is the main focus of everything. Blending together holistic living, Reiki energy work, and self-care to promote balance in all three.

In this post, we’ll look at how holistic living helps balance body, mind and spirit and some simple tips for your journey to balance.

Defining Holistic Living for You

What do you think of when you think of holistic or natural living? It’s really important to make this distinction first, because it means something different for everyone. It might depend on your current lifestyle and where you are now.

Think about what you want to improve in your life.  How do you want to make it more natural? For some people, holistic living means eating clean foods and using less technology, while others focus more on preventative care with things like natural herbs, essential oils, and other forms of alternative medicine.

There’s no one-size-fits-all way of doing anything, and this is the same.  Everyone has different needs. Decide what your goals are and use those to guide you in developing your holistic lifestyle.

(You can check out this post for a simple exercise to get you underway with figuring out your goals. )

Holistic Body

For a more holistic body, it often starts with what you put on and in your body. For natural foods and products, you are looking for fewer chemicals and additives and more natural ingredients. Your body wants more natural products that come from the earth, so think about what is made organically that you can use on or in your body.

Consumption is a big part of holistic living, which includes organic produce, farm fresh eggs, local meat and poultry, and anything organically grown.

Tip:  To get started, you can add in simple exercise (like walking or Qi Gong) as a way to move your body while using natural products on your hair and skin.

Candle with flame, pile of rocks balanced on each other, on the seashore with a sunset in the background

Holistic Mind

There are also some choices that help you develop a more holistic mind and mental health, such as writing in a journal, meditating, or practicing mindfulness. You can start using essential oils to relax or gradually begin working on a yoga or Qi Gong routine that helps you feel centered and balanced.

An easy way to figure out what your mind needs right now is to think about ways in which you are stressed, anxious, or struggling with your feelings or emotions. This can help you figure out which direction to go. Journal out these things to create a map to help you get where you are going.

Holistic Spirit

Your spirit connection is going to be similar to the activities you use for your mind. However, it expands to things that feed your soul and spirit, such as self-care and participating in activities that help you re-energize and feel more balanced in your health and life. Things like yoga or Pilates, meditation, learning Reiki,  a spiritual practice, or grounding practices can help balance your spirit.

Your next steps:  

  • Review the product labels for all personal care products you’re using – what is in them? Look up any ingredients you don’t recognize. Are there cleaner options? Do some research.
  • Read the labels on any food products you’re using. What’s in there? Are there more than 5 ingredients? Keep in mind that real food doesn’t need an ingredient label. What changes could you make?
  • Journal: What makes you feel stressed or anxious?  Where are you struggling with your emotions? Use this information to help you find activities to balance your mind. Try several to see what you really like.
  • Choose some self-care activities to feed your soul.  Give these a try.

Remember to start small so you don’t get overwhelmed.  Maybe do just one of these things every week for the next four weeks.  Then review what you’ve learned at the end of 4 weeks to decide what your next steps are.

Don’t forget to enjoy the journey!

Blessed be.