wildflower bouquet, easy self-care tip - daisies in a white vase

Self Care: 4 Easy Ways

Self-Care: 4 Easy Ways

Self-care is all about nurturing your body, mind, and spirit.  Helping you relax and reduce stress. It’s a way to remind you to take care of yourself, not just all the other people in your life. As busy witches, we sometimes forget the value of taking time out for ourselves.

You can bring more self-care to your days with these 4 tips.

# 1. Spend More Time in Nature

A lot of folks don’t spend much time outdoors, but the time you spend in nature can be a joyful, mindful experience, making it the perfect form of self-care. It’s free, easy, and available to just about everyone. Even a few minutes spent outdoors on a lunch break will support you.

Being in nature provides you with multiple benefits. You’re  getting fresh air which is always a good thing, plus you get a natural source of vitamin D for healthy energy and a happier mood. Nature is the perfect backdrop to feel more grounded.  Place your bare feet on the ground, and let Mother Earth help you feel connected, grounded, and calm.

Check out this post on Earthing

Plus, you’ll get more exercise by being outside since you’re walking around more than you would indoors. That’s a win! Take the time to see things that are ordinary in a new way.  Look at shapes, colors, and textures.

#2. Buy Flowers and Plants for Your Home

Bring nature inside! It’s not always possible to spend a lot of time outside, but you can definitely bring some of the earth’s beauty into your home and office. Few of us can stay outside all day, but you can have fresh-cut flowers or house plants in your inside spaces. These give you oxygen and really help you embrace the beauty of what lies just outside your door. Go simple. Start small. Don’t overlook the “weeds.” Many of these have beautiful flowers that are lovely in summer bouquets. You get extra self-care points for picking the flowers yourself! 

wildflower bouquet, easy self-care tip - daisies in a white vase

#3. Use Essential Oils and Herbs

You can also use essential oils and herbs as a way to practice natural self-care. Make essential oils part of your self-care routine by turning on a diffuser with relaxing oils like lavender or chamomile during your nighttime routine, or put some sweet orange or bergamot oils in during the morning when you’re writing in your journal or doing your morning success routine.

These oils energize and uplift you, getting your day off to a great start. Using fresh or dried herbs can also be a way to get a bit of self-care.  Keeping dried lavender in a sleep pillow can bring benefits, and you can simmer herbs (or spices) in a small crock pot for daytime fragrance in your home or office.

Resources for herbs and essential oils can be found here. 

Pro tip:  If you grow your own herbs, you’ll benefit from “garden therapy,”  that amazing feeling of growing and nurturing your plant! All you need is a pot and a sunny window sill to begin your herb garden.

#4. Unplug and Relax Without Technology

Take some time each day to relax without using any technology. ( I know what you’re thinking right now, but you really can do it.)  It doesn’t have to be for a long period of time, but just put away your phone, close your computer, and turn off your TV.  Just think of all the things you can do instead.  You can read a book, do some light yoga or other exercise, play with your kids or dogs, go for a walk, or just sit and do something creative. You can also do nothing at all.  Time spent doing nothing is important to your well-being too.

Pro tip:  It can be very helpful to choose a time each day that you put aside technology. For example, if you work on a screen all day, make it 6 pm until bedtime each day.  Or go smaller, set aside the last hour before bedtime to be screen free. Then follow through.

The takeaway

Changing habits is about a lot of small choices made every day. Working self-care into your busy life can be as simple as taking 15 minutes out of your day to just sit outside with your feet touching the grass or bringing a green plant into your space. If you’re trying to bring more self-care to your days, begin small, choose simple things, repeat.

You deserve it!

Blessed be.


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