New moon in Sagittarius - December 2021 - sign of Sagittarius with blue background.

New Moon in Sagittarius – December 2021

Every month, when the moon is new, we have a chance to use that moon’s unique energies in our lives.

The new moon in Sagittarius offers us a chance to look ahead to the new year, along with a chance to reflect on what we’ve achieved in the current year.

Here’s how you can use this new moon energy in your life:

Looking Ahead & Looking Back with the New Moon in Sagittarius

As we approach the end of the calendar year, we traditionally take a look into the new year and reflect on the year that’s passed.

If you find that the current year hasn’t exactly lived up to your expectations, then now is your last chance to set some intentions about ending it on a high note.

It’s also a time to look ahead and set intentions about things that will aid you in preparing for next year.

Are you feeling a little uncertain? Then set intentions about clarity and being clear about what you want.  That’s a good place to begin.

As you gain clarity, revise your intentions.

If you’re feeling like you need some changes, then now’s the time to set the ball rolling around whatever change you want to make. You can do this by setting your intentions for this new moon.


Using Sagittarius Energy

Sagittarius has a cheerfulness and idealism about it that makes this moon an exciting time to envision what you want to do in the next year.

What really matters to you?  Who do you want to be with you on that journey?

Establish your priorities first.

Working on your priorities has a flow that doesn’t come from anything else. Use them as a guide for your new-year intentions.

If you’ve been aligning yourself with someone else’s dream and feeling quite miserable as a result, use this new moon to set intentions around following your own dream.

Make it as big as you can, because by doing so, you’re leaving lots of room for success along the way.

Don’t be afraid of failure, either.  Failure is an essential piece of moving forward and the opposite side of the success coin.

The key is to fail forward.  Use each experience as another part of your foundation.

Reflecting on the year’s challenges can be a wonderful way to set up the framework of what you want to accomplish in the coming year.

Use the wisdom and experience you’ve gained this year to help guide your intentions for 2022.

If there’s an eclipse with the new moon, remember that eclipses are amplifiers.  You can use that to your advantage to help amplify your intentions.

What’s the New Moon in Sagittarius Flavor?

  • This sign usually brings cheery, happy energy. How can you use that right now?  Grab a journal and list out all the ways you can put that energy to work in your life.
  • Are you having fun, enjoying life, and counting your blessings? This is a great time to evaluate these things.
  • Lighten up a bit if needed, don’t grind yourself into the ground. Take a break.  Do something fun that’s just for you.
  • Is there something you want to learn? This new moon is a great time for that. I always keep a list of things I want to know more about in my journal.  That way, if I have a bit of free time, I can look up one of those topics.
  • See the bigger picture as you look toward the new year and begin setting your intentions now for the things you want to do.
  • Gratitude is a wonderful practice to add to your New Moon rituals. Write down everything you’re grateful for.

Summary of New Moon in Sagittarius

Every new moon is a chance to start new.  It’s a time of new beginnings and making wishes about the things you want to have in your life.

This last new moon of the calendar year is a prime opportunity to dream big, set your intentions for next year, and then co-create with Spirit.   Let the Universe handle the details. Don’t attach yourself to the outcome.  That way, you leave room for miracles to happen.

Believe in the possibilities.

Happy New Moon in Sagittarius!

Blessed be.



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