Hand with rainbow light. Tips for choosing a Reiki Master for your Reiki journey.

Tips for Choosing a Reiki Master


Choosing a Reiki Master to learn from is a highly personal decision. If you’ve decided that you’re ready to learn Reiki for yourself, these tips for choosing a Reiki Master will help you find the perfect guide for your Reiki journey.

Note:  Reiki is one of the Ravynwood Foundations. Those are 6 tools that I believe make all the difference in your journey through everyday life, your spiritual journey, or when you’re on a healing journey. The others are journaling, meditation, self-care, gratitude and healing creativity. Check out the Level 1 course offered here.

Tip #1 for choosing a Reiki Master is to choose someone with the right credentials

Look for a Reiki Master trained in the lineage of Dr. Usui.  This way  you’ll know that you’re getting the original attunement, as was taught by Dr. Usui himself. All Masters in this lineage will trace directly back to Dr. Usui.

The Reiki taught by Dr. Usui goes by a few different names, including Traditional Reiki, Western Reiki, and Usui Reiki Ryoho, among others.  The only way to be sure it’s the original Reiki taught by Dr. Usui is through the lineage.  This is just like a family tree, but it’s for tracing the student and teacher all the way back to Dr. Usui. That ensures that you have learned from someone attuned to the Usui Reiki.

The Reiki attunement is what sets Reiki apart from all other energy modalities. The Reiki Master is only a channel for the attunement. The power resides in the attunement, not in the Master. Keep this in mind as you decide which teacher is right for you.

 Tip #2 Choose someone with experience and passion

Choose someone with experience and a clear passion for Reiki. You’ll be able to tell if they’re just “in it for the money” or if they truly are dedicated to the Reiki way.

If you’ve taken Level 1 with someone you’re not happy with, you do not have to stay with the same teacher for all 3 levels.  You can select another one.

Tip #3 A good Reiki Master will not push you to take the next level

A good Reiki Master will not push you to take Level 2 and Level 3 after you’ve completed Level 1.  The student must feel ready for the next level after sufficient practice.  They will support you in your practice and learning, though. So consider this important aspect when choosing a Reiki Master.

Tip #4 Choosing a Reiki Master you resonate with

Perhaps most importantly, choose someone you like and resonate with. Use your intuition, ask any questions you might have, see what former or current students have to say about any Master you’re considering.

More often than not, when you are ready, the teacher will appear.

(Just as with the Buddhist proverb below.)

You’ll attract the teacher you need.  

That’s what happened for me.  It may well happen for you too.

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

– Buddhist Proverb

Learning opportunities:

So now that we’ve covered the tips for choosing a Reiki Master, let’s look at the options for learning Reiki.

Online and in-person classes are both good learning options. You can check out the Level 1 Reiki course offered by Ravynwood here. 

There’s no right or wrong way to learn.  It’s up to you to decide which method is right for you.  Each has benefits and considerations.

Here, we’ll take a look at each type of class to help you choose what’s right for you.

Online classes:

Online classes have plenty to offer:

  • Convenience – you can learn right from the comfort of your own home.
  • Live instruction is possible through online conferencing.
  • Self-paced instruction can be a great option if your time is limited.
  • Fees vary, but most are very affordable.
  • You can choose an instructor you are drawn to rather than one that is located near you.
  • Most online classes will have an online community where you can get ongoing support as well as interacting with other Reiki practitioners.
  • Attunements are done by distance but are exactly the same and just as effective as those done in-person.  Reiki is not bound by time or space and neither are the attunements.

In-person classes:

In-person learning:

  • These classes can feel more personal.
  • You’ll have the opportunity to practice your new skills in a group setting with other class members.
  • Usually taught in one- or two-day formats, with classes ranging from 4 to 8 hours per day.
  • Fees vary, but are usually affordable.
  • There may not be an instructor local to you, meaning you will have to travel.
  • You may be able to connect with Reiki practitioners in your local area for meet-ups or Reiki exchanges.
  • Attunements are done in-person.

Note:  As of this writing, the world is still dealing with restrictions and concerns associated with Covid-19, which may limit the availability or practicality of in-person classes. 



Final Thoughts on Tips for Choosing a Reiki Master 

Reiki is easy to learn, available to anyone with the desire to learn, and  widely available through online and in-person classes.  Each type of class has advantages, and disadvantages, but there is something for everyone.  Use these tips to choose the perfect Reiki Master for your journey with Reiki.

There’s lots of tips for choosing a Reiki Master that you can consider, but here’s my best tip:  Choose a class and instructor that resonates with you. 


Want to know more about Reiki?  You might like these: 

Learn for yourself – Level 1 Reiki Course

What are the Reiki Attunements? 

What are the Reiki Principles & How to Use Them In Your Life

Reiki for Beginners

What is Tai Chi? The Basics 



Blessed be.


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