an open hand with chakra stones laying up the hand and lower arm representing the chakras

The Chakras: A Beginner’s Guide

Working with the energy centers or chakras in the body is a way to balance your body, mind and spirit. While working with the chakras is a lot more than what I’m outlining here, this is a great place to begin.

There are 7 main chakras in the body.  This beginner’s guide is your introduction to these energy centers.

In this post, we’ll look at:

  • What they are
  • Where they are
  • What they represent
  • Easy ways to begin working with them today

What is a Chakra?

Chakra is from the Sanskrit word meaning “spinning wheel of energy”.  The 7 main chakras are located in a line from the tailbone to the top of the head.

The upper three are feminine in nature and associated with spirituality.  The lower three are masculine in nature and associated with grounding and the material world.  The heart center is balanced masculine and feminine.

When these energy centers are balanced, it allows for the best expression of each chakra, creating balance in body, mind and spirit.  Each has its own balance, plus each will have a balance relative to and among all the other chakras.

Each is associated with a color, an emotion, an element, an organ and an endocrine gland.  Some chakra systems have different associations than what is noted here.   I’m presenting here  what I personally use, but you should use whatever system resonates with you.

The Chakras:

  • Root
  • Sacral
  • Solar plexus
  • Heart
  • Throat
  • Third Eye
  • Crown

the chakras - beginner's guide, with seated person illustrated with the chakras in the colors of each one.

Where they are, what they’re associated with, and the colors for each:


  • located at the base of spine
  • the color red
  • basic trust, vitality, creation,
  • adrenal glands and testicles


  • located just below the navel
  • the color orange
  • sexuality and creativity
  • ovaries and testicles

Solar Plexus 

  • located just above the navel
  • the color yellow
  • wisdom and power
  • adrenals and pancreas


  • located at middle of chest
  • the colors green and/or pink
  • love, healing and compassion
  • thymus gland


  • located at center of neck
  • the color blue
  • communication and self-expression
  • creativity
  • thyroid and para-thyroid gland

Third Eye 

  • located at middle of forehead
  • the color indigo
  • awareness, perception and telepathy
  • pituitary


  • located on top of head
  • the colors violet or white
  • spirituality, enlightenment and intuition
  • pineal gland

So how can you use this in your life?

For those new to chakras, the easiest way to begin working with them is to experiment with the colors of each chakra.   How does it feel to wear each of these colors?  Do you feel more or less powerful, energized, calm, rested, focused, or motivated when you include these colors in your wardrobe or environment?  Use a journal to record your observations.

Are you drawn to certain colors?  Is there a color you wear a lot?  Is there a color you never wear?  Begin to notice. Bringing awareness to these colors is a great way to begin working with your chakras.

Then, take a look at the meaning associated with each chakra.  Do you have difficulty speaking your truth?  Are you not feeling very creative or having trouble with trust? Notice which chakra is related to any area that you might be having an experience with. This could be a clue to where you might need balance in your own chakra system.

Of course, there’s so much more to explore around the chakras, but this will get you started.

You might also want to check out my course, Introduction to Chakra & Crystal Healing or the Heart Chakra Workbook in the Printables Shop.

Always remember, enjoy the journey!

Blessed be.



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