Free Reiki Days – Everything you need to know
Free Reiki Days are offered now and then here for everyone in my community. These distance sessions can be enjoyed right from the comfort of your own home.
Update to post March 2024: Free Reiki Days have been discontinued, but Reiki is one of Ravynwood Foundations. Those are tools that I believe everyone needs in their own toolbox for dealing with the things that come up in life.
If you’ve participated in these in the past, thank you! It’s been a pleasure to have you join us.
Here’s everything you need to know about these free distance energy sessions! I hope you’ll join us!
First, What’s Reiki?
The simplest definition of Reiki is using the Universal Life Force to promote healing and balance for the body, mind and spirit. This energy is always present and we all use it instinctively. For example, when you bang an elbow, you reach for the area automatically and hold it until it feels better. This is you using this energy. The energy is abundant and always available.
Reiki training allows the practitioner to use this energy in a more intentional way by becoming a conduit for it. They’re then able to channel a greater volume and velocity of this life force energy. The ability to do this increases with practice. (My students will tell you that my mantra is “Practice, practice, practice!”)
What it can do for you:
Reiki has many benefits, among them are:
- Helping our bodies’ natural healing abilities
- Mental and spiritual growth and transformation
- Being more present, tapping into our intuition and inner wisdom
- Dissolving any blocks we might be carrying with us
- Supporting the immune system
- Promoting deep relaxation and balance within the body
- Relieving emotional stress
- Reducing physical or emotional pain
- Promoting a positive outlook, more energy, better sleep
Meet your guide here:

Hey, I’m Karen. Certified Moonologer™, Reiki Master/Teacher & Coach
I’m so passionate about helping people live empowered and connected lives every single day. This is because I know what it’s like to get up every day hating your life. I used to live like that – day in and day out. It was awful. I did the work that transformation requires and now, I love my life. I live in peace, flow and joy every day. I love my life and I want the same for you.
I offer Moonology™ Moon Readings, online Reiki classes and spiritual coaching that empower you through working with the moon, nature’s wisdom and energy healing. These things can change your life.
I also draw upon the wisdom, experience and knowledge gained from more than two decades of being on my own spiritual journey to help you along your path toward the life you want for yourself.
I’m your cheerleader and guide as we work through your challenges together. I can help you find more meaning, connection, purpose and a little magic in your life. You’ll be empowered to have the life you want through manifesting and forgiveness. You’ll become more intuitive, experience positive change and grow personally and spiritually through working together.
Plus, you can join the private Facebook Community, where I share free classes about working with the moon, nature’s wisdom and energy healing to support you even more.
I’m glad you’re here! You’ve come to the right place!
I’m here to help.
What does Reiki cost?
Fees vary by practitioner and location, but as of this writing, you can expect to pay between $50 and $100 usd per 60 minute session.
What’s a distance session? How do they work?
Reiki isn’t bound by time or space. That means that it can be transferred across distances. Distance sessions can be done by Level 2 and above practitioners. At the appointed time, the practitioner will connect to the energy, and the receiver will set the intention to receive the energy from the practitioner. Reiki is an intelligent energy. It knows where to go and what to do, so it will do the rest.
What will I experience during a distance session?
Everyone will experience Reiki differently. Some may see or sense the energy or colors. Others will feel a tingling sensation or heat. Others may experience nothing at all. All of these are normal. There isn’t one way to experience the energy.
How to enjoy free sessions:
- You can receive it anywhere you are, any time of the day.
- Just set your intention to do so, and you will receive what you need.
- You could do this before sleep, while relaxing or even if you are busy going about your day.
- Setting your intention can be something like this: “My intention is to receive Reiki today from Karen for my highest good.” Reiki will do the rest.
- It’s always a good idea to get plenty of rest and drink plenty of water too.