3 energies to create calm in the chaos - person with feet up overlooking a calm lake with a lantern beside them

3 Energies to Create Calm in the Chaos

3 Energies to Create Calm in the Chaos

We are all dealing with so much these days. Here, I want to present you with 3 energies to create calm in the chaos.  These are simple to use, and you can begin using them right away to create calm in your days.  (If you’d rather skip the read and watch the video, just scroll down. )

You can either read the post or click on the video below to watch the presentation.  It’s under 10 minutes in length.  (The written post and the video are nearly identical but you might want to review the introduction below and then watch the video.)

Several years ago, my life looked very different than it does today. Back then,  I got up every day hating my life.  Living so out of alignment with what I really wanted for myself had created a downward spiral into depression and near self-destruction.  Some of you may be able to relate to feeling this way.

It was a dark time for me, but I now embrace that whole experience as the catalyst for transformation. This was a trial by fire, but  it forged the very foundations on which I’ve built the life I have now.  A life that looks and feels very different than the one I had before.

These experiences also become the inspiration for Ravynwood Foundations Membership, which is designed to help people like you develop and maintain the small, daily habits that support your transformation and healing journey.  You can find more about that program here.  

These tools I’m sharing with you today are some of the ones I used on my own journey to creating a life I love, filled with peace, flow, meaning, purpose, and joy. And, a little magick too.

I want to help you do the same. 


If you’re a Reiki practitioner, you might recognize these energies from the 5 Reiki Principles.  But you don’t have to be trained in Reiki to use these energies. These are for everyone.  You can use these 3 energies to create calm in your life, even if you never take a Reiki class.

I have been practicing Reiki since 1996, when I took first level.  Working with these energies has been a large part of my own healing, alongside Reiki and coaching, and has served as the inspiration for everything I offer today.  You can read more about how I used Reiki to create balance in this post. I did my Master/Teacher training in 2017 because I knew I wanted to empower others to make change in their lives by teaching Reiki.

The Reiki Principles were gifted, by Spirit, to Dr. Usui shortly after he rediscovered Reiki. He brought Reiki to be practiced widely, through his teachings and his students, who in turn have gone on to teach others, and so on. Unlike the Reiki symbols, which many Masters do not share publicly, the principles are not held as secret.  Whether you practice Reiki or not, you can work with these principles to support your personal and spiritual growth and transformation.

Like with Reiki itself, there’s no dogma or belief structure associated with using these principles. They will likely blend right into whatever beliefs you embrace.

The First Energy: Be Present

The first energy you can use to help you create calm in the chaos is being present.

This is taken from the Reiki principle:

Just for today, I will not worry.

Worry can intrude on your life in many ways.  We all deal with it from time to time.

Worry is generated by a focus on the future, instead of staying in the present. The worry response to life’s changes can be from fear or a negative mindset.  However, you can choose to see these things through a positive lens of opportunity.  An opportunity to learn something new that will help you live a more fulfilled life. After all, we’re all shaped by our experiences and the knowledge we gain from them.

This principle helps you adjust to a positive approach and mindset.  Focus on what there is to be learned or gained instead of allowing yourself to be swept into worry.

Of course, when you’re “in the moment,” it can be difficult (or impossible) to see the blessing or lesson that any event can carry within it.  Even those things we think of as bad, have valuable blessings connected to them.

No matter the cause of your worry,  you can be sure that it never solves the problem, creates solutions, or makes you feel any better about whatever is happening.

By meditating on this Reiki principle, you can help to ground yourself in the present, allowing you to remain in the only place where you can take action, instead of worrying about the future.

Would you rather watch the video? Click below to watch.

The Second Energy: Gratitude

The next energy to help you create calm in the chaos is gratitude.

The Reiki principle is:

Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.

Gratitude is a powerful practice.

By being grateful for all that you have, you give yourself even more to be grateful for.

There are even blessings to be found in things that don’t look like blessings.

All experiences carry blessings. Even the ones we might label as bad or negative.  For example, the job you didn’t get that you really wanted—it wasn’t meant for you.  Something better was coming instead.

Starting a gratitude practice is simple.  Grab a notebook you have on hand and a pen. Each day, list out the things that you’re grateful for.  It can be tough to get started, but once you begin, your practice will naturally evolve.

When I began my own gratitude practice, life was feeling pretty heavy to me.

On the days that I struggled to find something to be grateful for, I used this as my gratitude for the day:  “My exhalations feed the plants.”  ( I don’t remember where I first heard this, but I have always used it when I’ve struggled for something to be grateful for.)

There’s always something to be grateful for.

The Third Energy: Kindness

The third energy is kindness.

It’s taken from the Reiki principle:

Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing.

You attract the vibe you put out there.  You can choose positivity, kindness, peace, flow, and joy.

Sit with what you put out there.  Meditate on what you are choosing.   Bring this into your awareness and notice what shows up for you.   From this place of awareness, you can choose kindness, today and every day.

3 energies to create calm in the chaos

What they mean for you:

Meditating on each of these 3 energies is the key to unlocking the meaning they hold for you.  There is no one meaning and no one way to use them.  Experiment with them.  Change the wording if you want to.  Write them down every day or say them out loud.  Speak them into a mirror or visualize what each one means to you.  Post them in a place where you can see them every day ( like on the bathroom mirror or refrigerator door) to keep them top of mind.

How these 3 energies create calm in the chaos:

You can try using them as:

  • Affirmations: just say them one or more times each day.
  • Journal prompts: write out how each of these statements feels to you.  What does it mean?  What comes up for you?
  • Meditations: select one statement per day to sit with.  It may be helpful to journal your thoughts afterwards.
  • Morning Intentions: Use these as a way to shape your day.

Working with these three energies can help you create calm in the chaos whenever you need it.

Like with most things, what you put into working with them will determine what you get out of  working with them.

Once you begin using them, you might be wondering if these will keep working for you?

The answer is yes. 

The last year has been one of many challenges for most of us.  There’s been a lot of change in our lives as well as in the collective, and we’re all feeling it.

Creating calm in the chaos is something I know I’ve sure needed over the last year.  2020 was particularly hard for me and my family with a suicide in the spring, and then we lost my mother and my oldest sister last fall, within 30 days of each other.

I feared that all of this pain, loss, and grief might be what shot me right back into the same old patterns from before.  But it didn’t.  I remained firmly rooted in the harmony I’ve created in my life. 

These techniques are simple but effective.


Most of all, when working with these 3 energies to create calm in the chaos, remember to enjoy the journey!

Using them will help you create balance in your body, mind, and spirit so you can bring peace, flow, and joy into your life. Just as they were a gift from Spirit to Dr. Usui, they are gifts to you also.

Working with them can reveal things to you that you didn’t know you didn’t know.  Reiki practice is like that, too.  Your journey will be unique to you, but most people will experience a new sense of calm, an increase in their intuition, and a more positive outlook on life.  Like with most things, you’ll get out of your practice what you put into it.

Would you like to learn Reiki so that you can have this wonderful energy literally right in your own hands?  Send me a message here to get on the wait list for classes. 

That’s it for today. See you next time!

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