The path of the witch is a blend of the magickal and the mundane. I’ve curated a list of 25 witchy things to do in 2025 that capture both aspects and help you integrate them into your everyday life.
Witchcraft is a journey of self-discovery, connection with nature, and embracing the magick that exists within and around us.
In 2025, you’re invited to set an intention to explore the witchy path in many delightful ways.
This blog post offers 25 witchy ideas to inspire your journey, from simple rituals and practices to deeper explorations of witchcraft traditions and personal growth.
Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just beginning to explore your witchy side, these ideas will help you cultivate joy, peace, empowerment, and a deeper connection to the everyday magick that surrounds us.
25 Witchy Things to Do in 2025
1. Wander & Wonder Days
This is one of my favorite ways to spend my free time. Don’t overthink this. The key to doing them is to just do them.
Pick a general direction or a general destination and go.
When you find something along the way that piques your curiosity, then stop. It might be a roadside attraction, a cool shop, a fun-looking diner or a pretty overlook.
You can even do this in locations that you’re familiar with. Just set your intention to see everything with fresh eyes. (I think you’ll be amazed at how this works.)
2. Herb of the Month
Make a list of 12 herbs you want to learn about during the year.
That’s one for each month of the year to keep things simple and moving forward at the same time.
These might be culinary herbs, medicinal herbs or a blend of both.
If you need a little inspiration, check out this post on creating your own home apothecary. Then, set aside a little time and learn all you can about the herb of the month.
3. Notice the Plants Around You
Notice the plants that grow around your house and identify them.
Now, you might be in the habit of calling them weeds.
I would encourage you to start thinking of them as “volunteers” instead.
Most of the things society calls “weeds” are actually plants with much to offer us.
Many years ago, an elder witch shared with me that I should pay attention to the plants that grow near me. They have messages for me, or I need them in some way.
After I began paying attention to them, I was amazed at how accurate that was. Since then, I make a point of knowing everything I can about the plants that volunteer in my yard and garden.

4. Tea Time
Begin a tea ritual.
This can be as simple as brewing yourself a cup of tea every day at a certain time that you designate as your tea time.
To make it a little more special, use loose tea instead of a tea bag and let this time be a reset in your day.
Of course, you can also do this with another beverage if you prefer.
The important element of this is creating the ritual, setting aside time for you and making it feel like a sacred part of your day.
Here’s a post on making infusions to inspire you to brew your own tea.
5. Create a Journaling Habit
Journaling is a powerful practice for the witch and will benefit your magickal life and your mundane life.
If you need some inspiration on creating your journaling habit, here’s a whole blog post on journaling for the witch.
6. Create a Gratitude Practice
Like journaling, gratitude is a powerful practice and one that is well worth your time and effort.
I believe that if you did nothing else to change your life except practice gratitude, your life would begin improving organically.
If you need a bit of inspiration to begin, you can check out this post.
7. Learn a New Skill
Whether it’s reading tarot cards, creating greeting cards from scratch, sewing, making art or even getting specialized training in computers, learning is rewarding.
Think of something that you’ve always wanted to learn and then take a step to make that happen.
8. Try a New Hobby
Healing creativity is something that I use and love. So, I advocate for trying something creative.
However, there’s lots of hobbies to choose from so pick something that deeply resonates with you.
You might go with painting, crocheting, beading, making origami, or even something more active, like pickleball.
Because I love simple solutions, I love coloring. It’s portable, easy to do, and I find it so relaxing.
If you’d like to give it a go, then be sure to sign up for the Starter Goodies and grab all the free coloring pages.

9. Explore Astrology
Get a free copy of your birth chart and begin learning what your placements mean.
You can get a free birth chart here.
10. Track the Moon
This can be as simple as checking the almanac each day to see what phase and sign the moon is in.
You might also want to note this information in your journal so you can begin to see if there are any patterns that emerge for you when the moon is in a certain phase or sign.
11. Draw an Oracle or Tarot Card for Guidance and Inspiration
This is a simple daily practice for adding a bit of ritual and meaning to your day.
If you already have a journaling practice, you might want to make note of the card you drew for the day and any messages. guidance or inspiration you got from your card pull.
12. Learn about Witchcraft Traditions and Styles
There are many different ways to practice witchcraft.
Creating a practice that’s perfect for you might include drawing from other traditions and styles.
Learning about other witches can also broaden your understanding of your own practice.
This post lists some key figures in witchcraft that you might want to know more about.
13. Read
Like learning about witchcraft traditions and styles, reading has a place in your journey as a witch.
From learning new things, investigating other cultures and ways of being to entertainment, there’s lots of reasons to read.
Reading is something that I have always loved doing. A couple of years ago, I realized that I wasn’t doing much of it anymore, so I was determined to fix that.
So, I set aside just 15 minutes every day to read.
At this writing, I am now at 737 straight days of reading.
So, set a reading goal for yourself and get started. (if you need a habit tracker, you can pick one up in the Free Witchy Things Vault)
Here’s a post with a few books I’ve enjoyed reading and recommend.
Tip: Browse Amazon for free eBooks and be sure to visit your local library. In many places, library cards are free.
14. Create a Book of Seasons
You might already have one of these, or you might be just beginning your witchery journey and are ready to make one.
The Book of Seasons might be the most underutilized tool in witchery today.
For me, creating this book is a labor of love and a meaningful way to connect with the cycles, seasons and rhythms of Mother Earth.
Check out this post for inspiration on beginning yours.
15. Learn Reiki
Reiki is affordable, accessible and most of all, so useful.
If you’re ready to invest in learning Reiki, please check out the classes offered here.
16. Develop a Meditation Practice
Like journaling and gratitude, meditation is a skill that will support all aspects of your life.
Want to know more about meditation for the witch? Check out this post.
Tip: Be sure to pick up the 10 Meditation Tips PDF inside the Free Witchy Things Vault.
17. Set up a Sacred Space in Your Home
Creating an altar is the easiest way to do this.
Whether you have a separate room, a shelf, or a side table available for this, you can use what you have.
Place items on your altar that are meaningful to you. I love using natural items and swapping out the decorations for each sabbat and/or season.
18. Do Something Good for Mother Earth
As green witches, we are also environmentalists and conservationists.
There are a lot of different ways that you can do a bit of good for the environment.
From picking up trash to planting native flower species in your yard or garden, there’s something everyone can do.
Consider what might work for you and then implement it.
If you need a bit of inspiration for your home and garden, check out this post.

19. Watch the Bird Migrations
Aligning with nature’s rhythms is part of the green witch journey, and watching the bird migrations is one of the most amazing ways to observe these patterns.
Years ago, I lived near a lake where a blue heron would stop by to fish. After watching this bird over a period of time, it became pretty clear that the timing of his arrival at the lake would predict whether we had an early fall or a lingering summer season.
Tip: You might want to record what you notice in your Book of Seasons.
20. Stargaze
Look at the stars.
See if you can find the constellations in the night sky and then learn everything you can about them.
My late grandmother would always take me outside in the dark to point out the constellations like Cassiopeia. Our time stargazing is one of my fondest memories of being with her. So, share this with your kids and grandkids too.
21. Give Back
There are a lot of worthy causes to choose from.
Some of my favorites are local organizations in my own area that serve animals. From rescue, rehabilitation and placing animals into adoptive homes to doing trap, neuter, return programs, these organizations are doing a lot of good.
You might also choose to support organizations that are helping people affected by disaster, providing food and shelter for those who don’t have it or planting trees to help with climate impacts.
Tip: Do your homework first before donating your time or money to any organization.
22. Learn More About Your Path
Learning opportunities take many forms.
From books and documentaries to online courses, newsletters and groups, there’s lots of ways to learn more about your witchcraft path.
See everything offered here at Ravynwood by clicking here.
If you’re ready to explore more about the path of the green witch but want something that won’t take a lot of time and is budget friendly, then I invite you to check out The Path paid newsletter here.
23. Take a Salt Bath
Self-care is essential.
You can’t be anything to anyone if you don’t take care of yourself.
One of my favorite ways to take a break and get a reset is with a salt bath.
Just add a handful of Epsom salt to your bathwater and you’re all set. Of course, you can also add a few drops of your favorite relaxing essential oil if you like.
Tip: You can also use a salt bath as part of your preparation for spell work.
24. Make Fire Cider
When the fall season comes around again, make a batch of fire cider.
This is a staple in my home over the cold months.
Rosemary Gladstar, one of my favorite herbalists, has a video on making it that you can find here.
Psssst….While you’re over there, go follow me on YouTube.
25. Celebrate the Sabbats
Get out your calendar and plan ahead.
Decide what you will do and when to celebrate each of the 8 sabbats for 2025.
If you need the dates, you can find them all here.
In this post, you’ll also find the dates for each full and new moon in 2025, eclipses and even Mercury retrograde.
Summary of 25 Witchy Things to do in 2025
There’s lots of witchy suggestions in this post to inspire your personal journey in 2025. Whether you choose daily rituals like tea time and card pulls, foundational skills like journaling and meditation or taking a deep dive into astrology or witchcraft traditions, there’s something here for every witchy soul.
Here at Ravynwood, witchcraft is a path of transformation, joy and peace. A mix of magickal and mundane but as multidimensional as you are.
No matter if you’re a long-time witch or just starting out, these ideas offer a pathway toward integrating your magickal and mundane life into the way you move through the world.
Which of these 25 witchy things to do in 2025 will you try? Send us a message and share your picks, here.
Blessed be.
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