witch image depicted in moody black and white to represent movies, books and music featuring witches

Enchanting Entertainment:  Movies, Books, and Music Featuring Witches

Witches have been portrayed in the media in a variety of ways. There are the fun witches like Sabrina the Teen-age Witch and Samantha from Bewitched. Then there’s the scary witches like those in The Craft and the downright malevolent ones like those depicted in horror films. Here’s some movies, books and music featuring witches.




 Here’s 3 films that I absolutely loved:

  • “Hocus Pocus” – this one has become a cult classic and one that I watch every year and sometimes not just at Halloween because the Sanderson sisters are fun any time of year.
  • “Practical Magic” – this one I love as much for that house as the story line and characters. If you haven’t seen it, you’ll want to put it on your must-watch list.
  • “The Craft” – This might be one of the very first witch movies I saw after beginning my own spiritual journey. It’s a little edgy and dark, but I think that’s one of the things I loved about it. There’s a lot of intention in witchcraft and that intention can be used in various ways.



Music is one of those constant things in my life. I can connect certain times in my life to the music I was listening to. The hair bands of the 80’s, the country music phase I went through in the 90’s, complete with line-dancing lessons and then moving through hard rock, pop music, opera, and new age music. Each one ties to a part of my personal evolution.

These songs are some of my favorites and they all feature witches:




Then there’s books. It’s likely that I’ll never read all the books I have. But that doesn’t stop me from buying more. I love books. As a kid, I’d go to the library every two weeks and check out a stack of books and read them all. Even today, I’m a reader.

Last year when I realized that I wasn’t spending much time reading, I made a commitment to myself that I’d do better, so I made a standing daily date with my barn cat to read every day after my barn chores are done. Monday jumps into my lap and we read for 30 minutes, even on the chilly days.


Here’s some good witchy books:

  • “Harry Potter” series of books by J.K. Rowling – spells, witches, magical creatures – there’s something for everyone in this series.
  • “The Witches” by Roald Dahl – this children’s classic is good for the child of any age.
  • “Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West” by Gregory Maguire – This reimagining of the story of “The Wizard of Oz” from the perspective of the Wicked Witch of the West. Who knew there was such a captivating back story?
  • “The Witch’s Book of Shadows” by Phyllis Curott – Phyllis Curott, this book covers a wide range of magical topics and rituals.
  • “Witchery: Embrace the Witch Within” by Juliet Diaz – This book is a blend of spirituality, magic, and personal growth.



Whether you enjoy a fun book or movie or one that features something a little darker, there’s sure to be something on this list that will fill the bill. Music to fill up your free time or see you through a work day. Whether you’re after magic, mystery, humor or intrigue, there’s music, books, television and movies that all capture the mystery and magick of witches.


Blessed be.


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