February’s unique magick is a mix of the ordinary and the extraordinary. This month has its very own charm and deep meaning for the green witch.
So, grab your favorite cauldron of tea and read on to explore February’s unique magick.
Imbolc arrives on February 2 (for the northern hemisphere) and signals the return of the light of the sun and the coming of spring.
While it will be a few more weeks before we truly see spring’s arrival, this is a time of shift as the sun’s power grows and the earth begins to awaken.
The themes of Imbolc include new beginnings, renewal and purification. These are all things that help the green witch tap into February’s unique magick.
Some ideas to get you started working with these themes include:
- Smoke clearing your home or work space
- Spring cleaning
- Setting new intentions
Connections to Groundhog Day & The Cailleach
Most modern green witches will know about Groundhog Day, celebrated on February 2. On this day, if the groundhog sees its shadow, then we have 6 more weeks of winter but if it doesn’t see its shadow, then we have an early spring.
Depending on your traditions, you might not know about The Cailleach, but her story will be familiar. She’s the Celtic goddess that rules over winter. She gathers her firewood for the rest of the winter at Imbolc and if the day is sunny and bright, then we will have 6 more weeks of winter, but if the day is overcast, then we will have an early spring.
You can check out this video for more about The Cailleach.
Get the free one-page Imbolc guide in the Vault – perfect for your Book of Shadows.

February’s Unique Magick – The Natural World
Imbolc is the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, so there are subtle shifts taking place in the natural world now.
Daylight hours are noticeably longer. The sun feels warmer, and I can’t help but be tempted to curl up for a nap on a windowsill, just like my cat does.
Where I live the white-tailed deer are shedding their antlers which invites me into the woods in search of them. Some years I find them and some years I don’t.
For some types of wild animals, the breeding season begins in February and bird migrations often begin now too.
There’s a sense of stirring that becomes something of a quickening as the month passes.
To lean into this process, go outdoors and see the changes that are happening at this time. They may be very subtle, but they are there.
Resilience, patience and faith are all inherent in these changes. Get out your journal and explore what those things mean to you.
Connecting to February’s Unique Magick – Things to try:
Sunrise Ritual
Get up before sunrise, dress warmly and find a spot where you can see the sun come up. Notice the way the light cracks the eastern horizon and then how the light spreads. If you do this often enough, you can begin to notice how things change over time. Greeting the sun with a simple hello and a bit of gratitude. Notice if there are birds singing? Can you identify them from their song?
Here’s a YouTube short about sunrise.
Awakening Tree Exercise
Choose a tree that you can visit often. (Pick a deciduous variety for this.) Place your hands on the bark and see if you can feel any sensations there. Notice the buds and how they change over time as a way to experience this gentle awakening process of spring.
Walk in the Snow
If you live where there’s snow, take a walk somewhere where you’ll be able to see wild animal tracks. Can you identify them?
Here’s a short on YouTube of tracks we found while out hiking.
Plant Seeds
Start seeds indoors. There’s something very satisfying about growing your own food, herbs, and flowers. Caring for them is therapeutic. But if you’re new to this, start small. Growing things has a learning curve. As you plant each seed, focus on intention. Think about what you want to grow in this spring season. Once your seeds are planted, pick sunny windowsills for them and let things happen. Observe the changes over time.

Other things to try:
- Search for deer antlers (be sure to check the regulations on public land and to get permission to search on private property)
- Watch for the bird migrations
- Get outdoors and observe the changes in the natural world
- Melt snow in your hands for a tactile experience
- Notice what time it gets dark each day from the beginning to the end of the month
- Watch the sunrise
Bonus activity:
I am always struck by how different a familiar landscape looks to me in the winter. To see if this is true for you, visit a spot that you know well and write down your impressions or take a photo. Then compare it to the middle of summer. Notice how this change of seasons changes your impressions about this familiar spot.
Summary of February’s Unique Magick
For the natural world, February is a time of transition. A place where we move from the stillness of winter into the quickening of springtime. We’re invited into the themes of new beginnings, renewal, and purification. Leaning into these things can all support us on our journey through everyday life. For the green witch, we observe this stirring in nature all around us, and we feel it within ourselves.
Enjoy February’s unique magick.
Blessed be.
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