Holistic Living starts with small changes like personal care items.Jar with homemade salve, plus a lip balm and flowers.

Getting Started With Holistic Living

Getting Started with Holistic Living

If you’re new to the holistic way of living, and aren’t quite sure how to start, this mini guide will help. Starting small is a great idea. So here, you’re going to learn about the importance of hydration, switching to more natural products, and some additional  habits to add to your personal journey to living  a more holistic life.

Ready? Let’s get into it! 

It All Starts with Water

Over half of your body is made up of water, so it makes sense that you need a lot of water continuously throughout the day in order to function smoothly. Water helps you stay hydrated, gives you natural energy, is amazing for your skin, and can keep you from snacking too much. Drinking more water can help with all sort of things! 

Use Natural Products

To live a more holistic life, begin buying more natural products with clean ingredients, and reducing chemicals and additives. Read labels.  Familiarize yourself with the ingredients listed there.  Google search or the Environmental Working Group can be useful tools to learn about what’s in your products.  This includes all sorts of products, such as cleaning supplies, skincare, beauty items, and so much more. There are over-the-counter natural options for just about everything you use in your life, from kitchen cleaners and air fresheners, to moisturizers and shampoo. Don’t try to do everything at once, but start changing one product at a time.

When you run out of something, just try to choose a more natural or organic option to replace it. 

Here are a couple of things you might like: 

I use (and love!)  all of these products and feel good about recommending them.  (these are not affiliate links by the way) 

  • Native Deodorant    ( I tried a lot of them before I found this one!  )
  • Attitude Shampoo & Conditioner    (I use this for my naturally curly hair with super results! Be sure to check out the other products they have too! )
  • Egyptian Magic Moisturizer    (you can use this multi-tasker for everything – face, body, hands, hair!  It can do it all!)
If you give any (or all) of them a try, please let me know how you liked them.   Send me a message here.
Holistic Living starts with small changes like personal care items.Jar with homemade salve, plus a lip balm and flowers.
Getting started with holistic living, green smoothie, fruits, vegetables.

Feed Your Body Clean Ingredients

Begin switching to a cleaner diet made up mostly of whole foods and unprocessed meals that you cook at home. This is such an easy way to live a more natural lifestyle, simply by not eating too many processed, prepackaged, and frozen foods. It will be healthier, save you money, and you will feel so much better. Plus it feels great when you feed your kids more home-cooked meals.  (Stay tuned for some easy ways to make meals happen even when you’re busy!) 

Focus on Holistic Mind and Spirit Connections

It is also helpful to start focusing on your mind and spirit connections. This includes practicing mindfulness and meditation, learning an energy technique for relaxation, unplugging from technology, reading more from real books, and writing in a journal. You want to choose activities that improve your emotional and mental health, expand your mind, help you learn, and help you get more in touch with yourself.

Maybe you spend all your time indoors and want some fresh air and vitamin D, so get  outdoors as much as you can. Or you are under a lot of stress, and start journaling to get to the bottom of it. Use your current struggles to decide what will be the best option for you. 

The wrap-up:

Living a more holistic life isn’t about doing any one thing.  It’s about small things that add up to big changes. One thing will lead to another and then another.  Don’t try to do it all at once.  Check out this blog post for an easy strategy using a journal to help you decide where to begin.  

See you next time!