Green Witch Ways

Triquetra, herbs and symbols for the four elements on an altar

The Four Elements: The Green Witch & Earth, Air, Fire & Water

Whether for the mundane or the magickal, most green witches work with the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water. Just as we align to the rhythms, cycles, and energies of Mother Earth, we also embrace the elements for our magickal workings and for creating harmony and balance in our everyday lives.   Let’s […]

The Four Elements: The Green Witch & Earth, Air, Fire & Water Read More »

Green witch woman in a long white gown facing away from the viewer and going into the forest. Ravynwylde Waitlist

Ravywylde: A Sacred Year Journey of Reconnection, Transformation and Growth for the Solitary Green Witch

Introduction Undertaking the Ravynwylde sacred year journey is to set out upon a remarkable path of self-discovery, transformation, and empowerment. Your commitment to a year long journey reflects that personal growth and transformation are an ongoing process for you, unfolding over time. Dedicating yourself to this journey allows you to experience a full year of

Ravywylde: A Sacred Year Journey of Reconnection, Transformation and Growth for the Solitary Green Witch Read More »