handprint with the words 5 reasons to learn reiki across center on lavender background

5 Reasons to Learn Reiki

To be fair, there’s lots more than 5 reasons to learn Reiki.

This energy modality is quite simply amazing, life-changing, and available to everyone!


Not so very long ago, Reiki was prohibitively expensive for most people.  Fees to learn it were at $10,000 USD!

It was shrouded in secrecy, with instructors forbidding the use of notes or manuals.  This oral tradition of learning continued into the 1900’s, but today, things have changed.  Reiki instruction is widely available.  Your options to learn it include in-person or online classes.  Fees vary, but they are within most people’s reach now.


Reiki is one of the Ravynwood Foundations. These are the basic tools that I used on my own healing journey, and I believe they are essential skills for everyone to learn so that they can support themselves when they need it most. In addition to Reiki, the other tools are meditation, gratitude, self-care, healing creativity, and journaling.


In this post, we will look at:

  • 5  reasons to learn Reiki
  • Why you’d want to learn it?
  • Your options for learning it


5 Good reasons to learn Reiki

  • You can help yourself, your family, your friends and your pets with this simple energy
  • It’s goofproof because it is an intelligent energy that knows where to go and what to do.
  • Benefits both the sender and the receiver during a session. Win-win!
  • Always with you. Once attuned, it is always with you.  You can never lose it.
  • Safe for just about everyone.  It has few cautions and is even suitable for children and pregnant women.



Why learn it? Even more reasons to learn Reiki


Reiki is a  simple technique, but its effects can be profound.  It supports balance in your body but also promotes balance in your mind and spirit.  For your investment, you get a lot!

Reiki supports your positive mindset, making it a great way to compliment coaching or personal growth work.

It will support you in learning how to use your intuition, and enhance any other holistic work you might already be doing.

From animal communication to massage therapy, Reiki is a great addition to your work.

Plus it supports any spiritual growth making it the perfect holistic support for body, mind and spirit.

Bonus reason for learning it:  It will change your life.  How do I know?  Because it changed mine!  I have gone from suicidal mess to living in peace, flow and joy.  You can read more about how I used it to create balance in this post. 


Every step of the work was supported by Reiki, coaching, and the Ravynwood Foundations.

That’s why I’m so passionate about bringing this wonderful energy to others.

But even if your situation isn’t like mine, Reiki has something to offer you.

Because it is an intelligent energy, it will go wherever it’s needed to support you in whatever way you need it.

You can learn more about the many benefits of Reiki in this post:  What is Reiki?


Get your own success story, just like this.

“This has to have been one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had, I would recommend this to anyone. Karen is amazing! I personally have issues with anxiety and this has helped with that. I look forward to learning more.”  Kayla Duckworth -Reiki Client


Reiki symbols on small flat stones lying in the grass

The beginner level, or Level 1, has no pre-requisites except the desire to learn. You can check out the Level 1 course offered here by clicking this link. 


You can stop after learning level 1 or continue into level 2 and level 3 training.

Each level builds on what was learned in the previous level.


No one knows exactly how Reiki energy works, but quantum physics may be able to provide the answers one day.

We already know that everything is energy.

Thoughts are things and definitely shape our reality.


Reiki helps us have a positive experience of life by supporting and positively influencing our thoughts and energies.

We can feel more joy, and develop more meaning in our day-to-day lives.

It’s successfully used with physical pain, illness, during times of transition, and for relaxation and stress reduction.

There’s no bad way to use Reiki!  You will (quite literally) have the skill in your own hands, and it’s always with you.


Options for Learning Reiki

Instruction is available through both in-person and online options.

There is no right or wrong way to learn.

It is up to you to decide which method is right for you.  Each has benefits and considerations.  Here, we’ll take a look at each type of class to help you choose what is right for you.


Online classes:

Online classes have plenty to offer:

  • Convenience – you can learn right from the comfort of your own home.
  • Live instruction is possible through online conferencing.
  • Self-paced instruction can be a great option if your time is limited.
  • Fees vary, but most are very affordable.
  • You can choose an instructor you are drawn to rather than one that is located near you.
  • Most online classes will have an online community where you can get ongoing support as well as interact with other Reiki practitioners.
  • Attunements are done by distance but are exactly the same and just as effective as those done in-person.

In-person classes:

In- person learning:

  • These classes can feel more personal.
  • You’ll have the opportunity to practice your new skills in a group setting with other class members.
  • Usually taught in one- or two-day formats, classes range from 4 – 8 hours per day.
  • Fees vary, but are usually affordable.
  • There may not be an instructor local to you, meaning you will have to travel.
  • You may be able to connect with Reiki practitioners in your local area for meet-ups or Reiki exchanges.
  • Attunements are done in-person.


Summary of 5 Reasons to Learn Reiki

Reiki is easy to learn, available to anyone with the desire to learn, and widely available through online and in-person classes.  Each type of class has advantages, and disadvantages, but there is something for everyone.  Just choose a class and instructor that resonates with you.  (Here’s some tips to choose the right Reiki Master for you)

Fees will vary by the type of class, location, and instructor.  There’s so many good reasons to learn Reiki for yourself. I hope you’ll explore this wonderful energy modality further to see if it’s right for you.

You can learn more about Reiki by checking out these posts:    What is Reiki? and 10 Ways to Use Reiki in your Life.

I invite you to check out the course offered here at Ravynwood.  Click here to learn more about the Level 1 Reiki course. 

Blessed Be.


You might like these Reiki posts too:

10 Ways to Use Reiki in Your Life 

Reiki for Beginners 

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