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Full Moon & The Green Witch


Full moon & the green witch are a magickal pairing.

During this time, peak lunar energies are available for spells, rituals, manifesting, healing, protection, releasing, and forgiveness.

The full moon is an ally for our green witch practices.

In this post, we’ll look at ways to tap into the energies of the full moon.



Letting the Full Moon Show You Magick


This past Tuesday morning, I was awakened at 2:52 am.

Now, waking up in the middle of the night can feel like a bit of a nuisance for many of us, but in my case, I thought it was fantastic.

The moon was peeking through my window in that just so way that it does, making everything shimmer with a silvery glow.

This was a small moment of magick. A thoroughly ordinary thing made magickal.

I think that learning to think of the things that happen each day in this context of ordinary made magickal is a powerful practice in its own right, don’t you?

Like being stuck in traffic or waiting in line is often thought of as an inconvenience. But what if that time you spent waiting in traffic is structured into your life to help you? Maybe it prevents you from being in an accident, or waiting in line puts you in the right place at the right time for the exact reason you need to be there.

I think that if you look for magick, you’ll surely find it.


But I digress.


On to working with the full moon & the green witch.



full moon in the night sky with a tree branch in foreground to the left
Full Moon & The Green Witch:  Magickal Moonlight


Why Work with The Full Moon?


Working with the moon is empowering.

I think that’s the best reason to work with the moon phases.

The path of witchery and personal growth are intertwined and closely connected.

The green witch works closely with the cycles and rhythms of Mother Earth, tapping into them to support our magickal practices and daily life.

The longer you practice aligning to the ways, cycles, and seasons of nature, you’ll organically integrate your witchery and your everyday life into a single way of being.

If you’re new to the path, working with the cycles of the moon is the perfect place to begin your relationship with nature. It also works to deepen it for those with more experience.




About Full Moon


The full moon is a time of heightened feelings and enhanced intuition. You may see the manifesting that you did at the new moon come to be now, or you might see signs that it’s coming soon.

It’s the perfect time to release everything that isn’t serving you and to forgive anyone you need to. This includes yourself.

The full moon is a time of endings.

It’s also a time for gratitude.

The full moon energy is about illumination, and this alone is a powerful type of magick.




When Can You Work with Full Moon?


Working with the full moon’s energy can take place over 3 days.

The night before a full moon, the night of the full moon, and the night after, but I like to time my rituals for just before the moon is full.




Things to do at Full Moon


Moon Water


One of the best-known practices for the full moon is creating moon water.

To do this is simple. Here’s how you can make your own moon water:

Place clean water in a clear glass container. Mason jars are perfect for this.

Set your intention for this as you prepare it.

And then set it in the moonlight to charge.

It can be done outdoors or indoors on a windowsill if the weather is freezing.

Retrieve your moon water the next day. Use it for watering your plants, ritual cleansing, or even drinking it if you wish. But if you’re going to do that, be sure to consume it quickly. You don’t want to let it sit around if you plan to drink it.



Charging Tools


Another common practice done by the light of the full moon is charging tools.

This might be your ritual tools, altar tools, herbs you are planning to work with, or your tarot and oracle cards.

Just lay them on a natural surface like wood or stone.

If you like, you can arrange them in a pattern. Set your intentions and leave your items to absorb this full moon energy.

Just like with making moon water, you can do this outside or on a windowsill.





Grounding is something many of us need as the energies of the full moon become heightened.

You can choose whatever way you like, but here are 3 ways to try:


  1. Simply bring your awareness to your breath or try box breathing
  2. Drink cool water or run your hands under cool water
  3. Hug a tree—this is my personal favorite.


winter landscape with weeds in foreground and full moon in background
Full Moon & The Green Witch:  Winter Moon






Take a few minutes to just be with yourself.

Breathe deeply. Release any tension or anxiety that you’re carrying with you.

Once you feel calm and settled, turn your attention to what you wish to release now.

This might be a bad habit, poor mindset, emotional baggage, a pattern of behavior that’s not serving you, physical or emotional clutter, or anything else that you can think of.

Write these things down. Writing things down gives them power.

When you have your list of things to let go of, then turn your attention to making a list of people that you need to forgive.

This might be something that happened today or from many years ago. Write down as much detail about the person or the event as you wish.

Include yourself on this list if you need to. This is especially important if there’s something you’ve been ruminating on or you find regrets popping up a lot.

hen your list is complete, then one by one, bring to mind the folks and/or situations you’ve listed out as needing forgiveness.

In your mind’s eye, see them surrounded by pink or green light. These are the colors of the heart chakra.

Say out loud or to yourself, “I forgive you” and let them drift away as if inside a bubble or on a cloud.


A note about forgiveness:

Forgiveness isn’t about the other person; it’s about you. It doesn’t excuse anyone for bad behavior, nor does it mean that those people deserve a seat at your table anymore.

Now burn your forgiveness and release lists to further release these things. Be sure to do so safely! You don’t want to risk burning down the house!



Tip: If your time is short, then just make the list and burn it. Being sure to feel those things released and also feeling gratitude for the lessons. 



Summary of Full Moon & The Green Witch


Full moon offers a time of reflection, release, and reset. By working with those themes, you’re cultivating a balance between the ordinary and the extraordinary in your life.

 While this post doesn’t cover every aspect of working with the full moon and the green witch, it allows you to see that working with the full moon offers the green witch a unique opportunity to support her magickal practices while also creating the opportunity to bring a little more magick to every day through aligning to the cycles of nature.

Blessed be.


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