Join me on this journey through some of my favorite witchy books, music, and podcasts in this curated collection of witchy wonders to spark your inner witch, ignite your curiosity, and give you some spellbinding options for your reading and listening pleasure.
Plus, there are some people and topics you might want to research too. Knowledge is power.
I’ve gathered together 26 of my personal favorites. Witchy books, witchy music, and my favorite podcasts too, although not all of them are witchy!
Let’s dive in!
People in Witchcraft
No discussion of witchcraft or witchery can begin without acknowledging the ancestors who have passed this craft down through the ages. The various traditions and practices have all become part of the rich tapestry of the craft as we know it today.
The literal translation of witchcraft is the craft of the wise. These were the ones that practiced healing, divination, magick and herbalism and knew how to align with the natural energies of Mother Earth.
These skills are found in shamans, medicine people, granny witches, folk magic practitioners, and others in this worldwide tradition of those who practiced the craft of the wise.
If you’re lucky enough to have an elder in your life who is part of this tradition, be sure to take the opportunity to learn all you can from them.
Witchy Books
I’m often asked about book recommendations, and it’s difficult for me to offer them up, not because I don’t read, but because what I consider to be a fantastic book, others may find boring beyond reason.
Still, here are a couple of books that I have absolutely loved and feel are indeed worth reading:
- Unseen Beings by Erik Jampa Andersson – I think of this as required reading for all people, not just witches
- The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck, M.D. – this book changed everything for me when I read it in the early 90’s and I highly recommend it to everyone.
Witchy Book Recommendations
Making recommendations for this is harder for me since I don’t read very many of the newer books, but here are two authors that are stand-outs on my shelf.
- Scott Cunningham
- Ann Moura
That said, there are some other folks that I think are worth reading:
While not a witchy book, this is one for your home herbalism practice:
Read anything she’s written.
Another broad recommendation that I can make is to read everything you can about every other spiritual belief or practice and world religions.
You’ll learn so much and you’ll begin to understand that we are much more alike than we are different.
This bit of wisdom is one of the best gifts of my own spiritual journey that began in 1995 and continues to this day.
Here are two specific book recommendations that I can make:
I was lucky enough to find (actually I think that it found me) a signed copy of this book at a yard sale for just $.25 years ago. It has been on my shelf ever since and I have read it several times over the years.
This is another book that “found me” as I like to say, when I was browsing at a thrift store.
That brings me to where to find witchy books.

Witchy Book Resources
There’s always the giants like Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other large retailers, but you can also check Thrift Books for deals and steals. Each of these carries a selection of witchy books.
Tip: Thrift Books is one of my favorite resources for used books and I have not been disappointed with anything I’ve purchased here.
Llewelyn’s is a favorite of mine too and I always get a copy of the almanac every year. There’s a lot of witchy topics and witchy books to choose from here, plus loads of books on other topics too. Be sure to check them out.
Want to check out the almanac? You can find it here and here.
Hay House regularly has $.99 eBook specials on its authors – sign up for their mailing list and you’ll get first notice of the specials.
Second hand shops and thrift stores, yard and garage sales, auctions and library sales can also score you some very good witchy books, both fiction and non-fiction.
Of course, if you’re lucky enough to have an independently owned bookstore or witch shop near you, please shop there and support your local small businesses.
Your Local Folk Magic
Almost every area has its own traditions and practices. These can be a source of inspiration for you but they are also an ingrained part of the history of the craft. Do a bit of research on the types of folk magic that were practiced in your area.
Where I live, there was something called pow wow that was practiced and part of the local culture. While there’s a lot of secrecy about it and it can be hard to get much information about the local folk magick practices since some of them are lost to oral traditions, learning about them can give you another perspective on how the craft has been practiced.
This book is about pow wow.
Fiction Witchy Books
I read a few fiction books every year and I have found that when I choose fiction, I like them to be light, enjoyable reading to offset the heavier (more cerebral) non-fiction titles I choose.
So, I’ve become fond of reading what’s called Cozy Witch Mysteries. If you put that term into the Amazon search bar, you’ll find lots of titles to choose from.
Here’s four I like: (not sure they all count as cozy witch mysteries but I like these just the same)
- The Haunted Homecoming by Angie Fox
- Keeper of Enchanted Rooms by Charlie Holmberg
- The Hanging City by Charlie Holmberg
- Wolves & Daggers by Melanie Karsak
One book that’s not really a witchy book, but that I am especially partial to is this one: Second Chances
I have written a short story that is included in this book. Please go buy a copy of this anthology all about second chances and then leave a review – it really helps out new authors.
As a side note, you can often find a selection of free eBooks on Amazon. Just search for free eBooks in the search bar.

Music Favorites
Let’s dive right in with my all time favorite tune: Savage Daughter
Here’s some others you can check out:
- Witchy Playlist on YouTube
- Wiremux’s The Witchcraft Song Collection Chants, Rites, Spells and Dance Songs
- Pagan Folk Witch Songs
And on Spotify:
- Dancing in a circle under a full moon by Tahmina playlist
- The Witchy Vibes Playlist by Dastardly DuBie
- Irish Folk Ballads
And this one is my very own creation, although it’s not witchy. It was put together for a road trip when we were celebrating my birthday, so it’s full of happy, upbeat music from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s mostly.
Podcast Favorites
All of these are on Google Podcasts but can be found anywhere you like to get your podcasts. While not witchy per se, each of these is packed with good information on things that will help you on your path. From herbs to personal growth, these are worth checking out.
- Rosalee de la Foret podcast
- Mel Robbins Podcast
- Gen X Voices by Susan Bentley – ( I’m featured on this one in Episode 10 on 04/16/2021)
- The Plant Path
And no favorites list would be complete without a look at some favorite shopping sites to get supplies.
- Aura Cacia – for high quality essential oils and other items
- Plant Therapy – for high quality essential oils and other items
- Mountain Rose Herbs – for herbs, herb tools and a pretty cool newsletter too
Summary – My Favorite Witchy Books, Music & Podcasts
I have a confession to make. I love books. Always have. I love book stores. I could spend hours in one, just browsing among all the shelves. I always check out the witchy books first, but then I browse along all the other titles too. Just taking it all in. It’s a great way to spend a rainy afternoon, so maybe try that the next time your outdoor plans get sidelined by rain.
I also should share with you that none of the links in this post are affiliate links. I don’t earn any money if you buy any of the things you click on. I’m sharing with you because I genuinely love or use all of these retailers, resources, music, and books.
Do you have favorite witchy books?
Favorite podcasts or music?
Feel free to send me a message here. I’d love to hear about your favorites.
Blessed Be.
Oh, and if you loved my favorites list, here’s another post I wrote about witchy media that you might like: Enchanting Entertainment: Movies, Books & Music Featuring Witches