Creating a manifesting ritual can take many forms and might include working with moon phases, the law of attraction or magick.
The path of the green witch is one of personal growth and transformation. Manifesting is part of that journey.
At the heart of manifesting is setting intentions to bring into your life the things you really want.
All of this is made easier through creating a manifesting ritual.
Creating one helps you align your thoughts and feelings with what you’re trying to manifest.
Then, you’ll turn it into a regular (perhaps even daily) habit to improve your chances of bringing into being the things you really want.
In this post, we’ll look at:
- Why you need a manifesting ritual
- Manifesting methods
- Setting clear intentions
- How to create your ritual, habits and routine + tips to stay on track
A Note About These Manifesting Methods
Each method of manifesting included here is similar. Each one works with the Universal Power. You might have a name you like to call that power so please feel free to substitute that name. Here, we’ll call it Universal Power.
The exact rituals you create from the methods you choose may look a little different from each other, but they will also share common elements.
Here’s something to remember: You can manifest anything.
Money, success, friends, true love, travel, a new home, a new career, and anything else you can come up with.
Each of these manifesting methods teaches us that nothing is beyond limits. Absolutely nothing.
Anything you can envision for yourself, you can make a reality.
The first step is to choose something.
Then, ask the Universal Power for what you want.
Visualize it.
Really feel it and then take action.
Intention + action is the best way to success.

Here’s Why You Need a Manifesting Ritual
Focus & Self Reflection
Creating a ritual allows for focus.
Building a routine around manifesting the things you want provides you with a framework you can follow. That makes it easier to do. That means you’re more likely to actually do it.
This also allows you to focus on what you really want to draw into your life, by setting aside time that is specifically for this.
Another thing that creating your ritual helps with is self-reflection. This habit helps you figure out what you really want in life.
- What makes you happy?
- Who are you?
- What gives your life meaning?
- What are your priorities?
Can you answer these questions right now?
Here’s an Important Tip: Be sure your answers are really your own.
Too often, we come up with answers that aren’t our own, but rather what we’ve been told we should want.
For example, you might have been told that you should go to law school and get a big house in the “right” neighborhood, drive an expensive car and wear designer labels as a marker of your success.
But, that’s not the vision you hold for yourself.
You want to move to the mountains, lead yoga retreats and raise your own food.
Your definition of success doesn’t include cars, labels and prestigious careers.
It’s critical to recognize the difference between what you want and what you’ve been told you should want.
Self-reflection will help you see what matters and what doesn’t. It’s a map of where you are now and where you want to go in the future.
Your Manifesting Ritual Raises Your Vibration
Everything in our universe is made up of energy.
Since manifesting is all about energy, to attract the things you want, you need to raise your vibration.
The Universe responds to the right energy.
Check Your Vibration
How Do You Know If Your Vibration is Low?
Here’s some signs of low vibrational energy:
- You’re in a bad mood and don’t know why.
- You feel negative or pessimistic.
- You feel lost and unsure of what to do or where to go.
- You have negative feelings towards most people or things.
- You find yourself stressed, depressed, or anxious most of the time.
How Do You Know if Your Vibrations are High?
- If your vibration is high, you’ll feel calm. You’ll be peaceful. Your life will have flow and joy.
- You’re positive and optimistic and feel happy. You’re “high on life” so to speak. The trivial things that come up don’t bother you much and you have that overwhelming feeling of joy most of the time.
How to Shift the Energy of Your Day
To shift the energy of your day, focus on what you want.
It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of life.
You feel stressed about work or personal life and then your desires get put on the back burner. Sound familiar?
To stop this from happening, focus on what you truly want.
One short manifesting ritual can help you shift your mindset and return to a more positive place. In just a few minutes, this can help restore your balance and “fix” your bad day.
(That alone makes it worth taking the time to create it and do it, don’t you agree?)
Taking Action
This is an important step in manifesting anything into your life.
Here’s why: Taking action helps you know what the next right step will be.
Just thinking about it won’t do that for you.
You have to do something.
Take action.
Your personal ritual leads to clarity and will help you discover the next right actions that help you get closer to what you’re trying to manifest.
Manifesting things into your life isn’t random.
It’s intentional.
You’re raising your vibrations, asking the universe for what you want, paying attention to the signs around you, and taking action!
Which Manifesting Methods Will You Choose?
First things first.
Decide which methods you’ll use in developing your manifesting ritual.
There are many options to choose from and you don’t have to do them all.
- Make a list and then experiment a bit.
- Some are likely to produce better results for you than others.
- Experimenting and tracking your results will help you know which ones worked for you and which ones were less effective.
For example, if writing isn’t your thing, then scripting or doing the 55×5 method every day is not going to be a good choice for you.
If you don’t like working with vision boards, then scripting or journaling may work wonders for you.
Keep in mind that if your ritual feels like a chore, it lowers your vibration and is no longer effective.
Manifesting Methods to Consider Adding to Your New Ritual
Scripting and Journaling
Scripting is a popular manifesting method where you write what you want in the present tense, as if it has already happened.
Your first step in using this method is knowing what you want to bring into your life. Then, once you have that, visualize how you would feel and what your life would be like once this became reality.
Then, journal as if you’re living that life right now.
Here’s a quick example:
Your goal is to get your dream job. The one that you’ve always wanted. You’ll be doing something you love.
In your journal, you’ll write “I’m grateful to be doing work I love in my dream job” instead of something like “I want to get my dream job doing work I love”.
Then make a note of your feelings and anything that you think will be different after you have your dream job.
Scripting helps a lot with visualization.
It allows you to tap into your subconscious. Doing that allows you to convince yourself that you’re fully capable of getting anything you want to manifest.
Expressing Gratitude
Focus on your abundance by being grateful for what you already have.
One of the main ideas in the Law of Attraction is not thinking about what you don’t have yet since that puts your focus on lack.
Whatever your life is like right now, you have plenty to be grateful for, even if you don’t immediately recognize it.
If you’re struggling with feeling grateful, begin small.
When I started my own gratitude practice some years ago, things felt pretty heavy for me. I was rebuilding my life back from rock bottom and knew that a gratitude practice would positively support my journey.
But, I struggled with coming up with anything to be grateful for, so I used this: “my exhalations feed the plants”.
I don’t remember when or where I first heard it, but it was all I could come up with at the time, so I went with it.
(If you’re struggling, you can use it too.)
I began small and over time, it became easier to express gratitude. My mindset shifted.
Life became better and my heart was lighter.
These changes happened from the inside out.
Circumstances in my life didn’t change. I did.
Today, I can easily make a very long list of things I’m grateful for.
Tip: If you’re struggling right now to find things to be grateful for, begin small. Your practice will develop naturally and organically.
Try this:
Write down at least 3 things you’re grateful for every day.
For help establishing your gratitude practice, read this post.
Meditation helps you let go of any limiting beliefs that keep you stuck. Adding a short meditation to your manifesting ritual will help you visualize what you want. That in turn helps you be successful in getting it.
Meditation also helps release stress that might be blocking you from manifesting.
Meditation will support you in tapping into the subconscious and that’s where the magick of manifesting really happens.
If you’re new to meditation, it may take a bit of time to get comfortable with it.
Don’t worry about that and don’t get discouraged.
Start small. Just take a few minutes each day to focus on your breathing. This is enough.
For more on starting with meditation, check out this post.
You can think of this as sending the Universe the right signals.
When you do it correctly, you’re not just thinking about what you want, but you’re putting yourself into that place where you’ve achieved your wishes.
This helps you to feel what you would feel if it were happening right now, in this moment. This is what ignites your subconscious.
Making Your Vision Board
Vision boards are often one of the first ways most folks begin their manifesting journeys.
If you’re new to them, a vision board is a collection of images and words that represent what you want to manifest into your life.
Vision boards can be made from magazine clippings of images and words or phrases that help show what you’re trying to attract into your life.
You can also go with a digital format made with Pinterest or other apps.
Whatever format you choose, looking at it each day keeps the things you want to draw into your life, top of mind.
Tip: keeping your vision board where you see it often is a great idea.
Manifesting with the 55×5 Method
If you’re looking for another way to help you manifest what you want, you can try the 55×5 method.
It’s not for everyone, but it will help you hold onto your visualizations.
Every time you write the same affirmation on the page, your focus is brought back to the thing you’re trying to manifest.
What is this method?
The 55×5 method requires you to come up with a short affirmation that’s written in present tense – like it’s already happened.
You then write it down 55 times, for 5 days in a row. Since it’s a lot of writing, you’ll want to keep it short and succinct.
Here’s an example to inspire your own affirmation: I attract money and abundance.
This is short, to the point, and clearly describes what you’re trying to manifest.
You can experiment with this method to see if it resonates with you.
Mirror Work
Last but not least, you can give mirror work a go.
This is when you take affirmations you’ve been writing, and you say them out loud to yourself, while looking at yourself in the mirror.
It might feel a little silly at first, but it can be a really powerful tool for your manifesting practices.
To do it, use affirmations that express what you’re trying to manifest or change in your life, stand in front of a mirror and say them out loud to your reflection.
Repeat each one about 3-5 times before moving on to the next.
Experiment to see how this works for you.
Tip: Louise Hay has a whole book dedicated to this. It’s called Mirror Work.
Setting Clear Intentions
- Once you have decided on the manifesting methods you want to use for your ritual, you’ll need to set your intentions.
- Don’t confuse these with a to-do list, like when you’re working toward another type of goal.
- Your intentions are written out long-hand, and they clearly state your desires and wishes.
This is where you’re asking the universe for what you want, so if you haven’t yet decided exactly what you want to manifest, here’s some tips:
Deciding What You Want to Manifest
Before you can write out your intentions, you need to know exactly what it is you want to manifest.
You can manifest more than one thing at a time, but start small, with just one thing when it comes to just starting out.
This allows you to narrow your focus and avoid becoming overwhelmed.
What’s your one thing?
For some people, choosing just one thing to focus on can be the hardest thing of all.
Maybe you’ve been living with a lot of lack in your life, or you don’t have a lot of faith in your potential because of where your life is now.
This is the time to put all those worries aside and focus only on what you want.
- Who do you want to be?
- What do you want more of in your life?
- Are you feeling like there are things your lacking?
- What would make you happier and joyful?
- What would bring you peace?
Ask yourself these questions and then write down words or phrases that come to mind.
Brain dump it all out. What’s coming up more than once?
Maybe it’s a relationship or friends or a promotion at your job, abundance in money or love, or even improving your health.
Write it down.
Writing Your Intentions
Once you know what you’re trying to manifest, you’re then able to write it out as intentions.
These are written out in present tense.
This helps you to live “as if”, where you’re imagining that you already have the thing or are living that life.
If you’re working on manifesting new friendships, think of something in your mindset that’s keeping you from meeting new people, then reverse it.
For you, this might mean intentions like “I’m filled with courage and confidence” or “I will go out of my comfort zone today”.
Choose the Frequency & Details of Your Manifesting Ritual
Now let’s figure out the details of your new manifesting ritual.
- How often do you want to do it?
- What will be involved?
- Is it going to be different every day?
Be flexible with your ritual but have a few guidelines in place – especially in the beginning.
This is how you develop a habit.
Then over time, it will become something you don’t even have to think about – the ritual becomes automatic and something you look forward to doing.
How Often Should You Do It?
You don’t have to do these daily. Many people do benefit from it being a daily habit, but you can decide for yourself what works for you.
Here’s some questions to ask yourself when deciding if daily rituals are best for you:
- Are you trying to manifest something that requires daily action?
- Is your stress getting in the way of manifesting what you want?
- Do you need a daily gratitude practice?
- How will you fit this into your regular schedule?
When Will You Do It?
The next thing to ask yourself is when is right for you.
An evening routine where you spend a bit of time focused on what you’re trying to manifest?
Working with the cycles of the moon?
Decide what is best for your needs, energy or bandwidth.
Write Down Details of Your Ritual
Now it’s time to work out the details of what you will do:
Here are some things to write down:
- What manifesting methods do you want to include?
- When and where will you do your ritual work?
- How much time will you need?
- In what order will you perform the different tasks for your ritual?
Creating a Routine Out of Habits
Creating your manifesting ritual will require new habits.
So, you’ll want to schedule yourself a few reminders to help it become a normal part of daily life for you.
Doing this helps you set up the small habits that will then turn into a routine.
Here are some tips to help you:
Use a Habit Tracker or To-Do List
Until manifesting becomes habit, it can really help to use a to-do list or a habit tracker.
This allows you to write down your manifesting ritual as one of your tasks to get done, and each time you check it off in your habit tracker, it’s more ingrained in your mind as being a new habit to keep up with.
Tip: The Vault has habit trackers. Be sure to sign up for it here.
Set Reminders on Your Phone or Other Device
You might be one of those people that written to-do lists aren’t the best way to go.
Having a digital to-do list or a calendar with reminders that come up every day on your phone may work better for you.
Like with most things, you’ll need to experiment a little to see what works best for you.
Starting Slowly
Instead of changing a lot of things all at once, you might want to start with just one or two things at a time.
Otherwise, you can get overwhelmed and quit your practices altogether.
Think of the most important thing related to your manifesting ritual, and just do that for the first week.
You can add other things later.
The important thing is to start.
Summary of Creating Your Manifesting Ritual
We’ve covered a lot in this post, but the important thing to remember is this: A ritual can’t help you if you don’t do it.
When you’re just beginning, make it simple enough that you won’t become discouraged.
Then, as manifesting becomes a regular part of your life, there’s lots of things that you can add to it. We’ll take a look at those in other posts.
Here at Ravynwood, there’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all solutions for anything, so be sure to make your ritual your own.
Blessed be.
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