Welcome Green Witches
Learn to live the Green Witch Life here – Where ancient wisdom meets modern life for infinite possibilities.
We're inspired by nature, ancient wisdom, & the ancestors

Meet your Green Witch Guide
Welcome, I'm Karen Miller
Merry meet!
I’ve been walking the path of the solitary green witch for decades. My journey began in the mid 1990’s and continues even now.
There’s always something to learn. More to know.
For me, I spent the first 25 years of my life learning all the things I didn’t need to know. Then, I spent 25 more learning all the things I did need to know.
Now, I will spend whatever remains sharing that information through my offers here at Ravynwood.
Ravynwood offers a mix of the Wheel of the Year, the seasons, connecting to Mother Earth, energy healing, mindset work and a little magick.
It’s where ancient wisdom meets modern life and creates infinite possibilities.
It’s where we learn to live our magick. Every day.
Welcome witches! Blessed be!

Ancient Wisdom. Modern Life. Infinite Possibilities.
Ravynwood focuses on the solitary green witch and offers a paid newsletter, Reiki classes and a smattering of other things throughout the year. To see all current offers, click below.
Welcome green witch, come sit a spell and choose your unique journey.
The Path - Paid Newsletter
This is a brand new offering. It will cost you every month than buying coffee every day does.
Get all the details today.
Free Witchy Things Vault
Find support for your journey here.
A cauldron of free things and resources.
Explore Everything Ravynwood Offers
Click to explore everything offered here.
What My Students Say About Me

Ancient Wisdom. Modern Life. Infinite Possibilities.