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Courses & Offerings

Ravynwylde - A Sacred Year Journey for the Green Witch

Reconnect to Mother Earth

Reconnect to Mother Earth and your own soul with this unique program that leads you through a 12 month journey with the Wheel of the Year. 

Ancient Wisdom

At the heart is ancient wisdom – bringing together the practical and the magical inside this sacred container for discovery, growth and reconnection. 

Modern Life

Bring magick to the ordinary. Integrate the practical and magickal in your every day life as you create a whole new way to see the world. 

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Shadow Work - $47

Whether you're new to shadow work or have been doing it for years, this class will help you uncover the things that are ready to come to the surface.

This powerful self-guided class is now open for enrollment.

 Doing the deep work with shadow can help you heal, alchemize your pain into power and move forward with clarity, passion and purpose.

One student said “we all leveled up” about her experience in the Shadow Work Class. Are you ready to level up?

Click below to learn more. 

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Boundaries for Empaths - $37

If you're new to setting boundaries or you need a refresher, this is for you.

Everyone needs boundaries. Empaths have unique needs and a tough time creating and holding boundaries.  This class is just for those folks, to help them create, understand and enforce their boundaries to improve their lives, relationships and communication. Sign up today. 

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Introduction to Spirit Guides - $27

If you're just starting out with spirit guides, this course introduces you to ways that you can connect to them, types of guides and more.

Discover 5 types of spirit guides, how to work with them, how to know if a spirit guide is right for you and even meet one of your guides through a guided meditation in this intro to spirit guides class. 

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A Sacred Journey Through October - $20

Celebrate the Sabbat, honor the ancestors and embrace the seasonal shifts.

Grab your broom and journey through October with this course that features Samhain, Honoring the Ancestors and more!

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Usui Level 1 Reiki

The beginner level of Reiki for those just starting out.

Reiki is one of the 6 Ravynwood Foundations because it is simple, easy to learn and easy to use. It belongs in everyone’s toolbox to support your healing work, your spiritual journey or for personal growth. Click to check course dates and get all the details. 

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Meditation Mini-Course - $9

Start your sacred meditation practice with this handy mini-course.

Calm your mind, create peace in your day, and have more ease in your life. Sound good? Meditation can help you do all of that and more. But it can be tough to get started. This self-paced course will guide you through beginning your meditation practice. 

power animals membership emblem with spirit bear

Power Animal Membership- Just $7 a month

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Power animals help us understand the world we live in. They offer us guidance and wisdom for navigating our days and our challenges.  This membership is focused on creating reverent relationships with power animals and seeking out their unique guidance for our personal journeys of growth and transformation.  New lesson and journal each month.  

Printables shop badge

Printable Workbooks, Planners & Journals

Printable Guides, Workbooks, Planners & More

Workbooks, planners, journals, spell books, grimoire pages and more.  Support your journey with these printable PDF goodies.  

Programs, classes and offerings include Ravywood Foundations Membership - graphic is for this.

Ravynwood Foundations - Monthly Membership
Just $9 a month

If you need some help creating your strong foundations, this is for you!

Create solid foundations for every day life with this affordable monthly membership.  You’ll create new habits, practice existing ones and support your growth and well-being in this easy-to-fit-into your life format. 

Chakra & Crystal Healing for Beginners class badge

Chakra & Crystal Healing for Beginners- $27

Best for beginners

Every witch needs to know the basics of energy. This class is a perfect place to begin if you’re new to the spiritual path.  Learn about your energy centers and how you can work with them to create balance in your life.  Crystals are popular in all healing and spiritual circles and with good reason.  Here, you’ll be introduced to a selection that you can use to create results in your chakra practice.  Online class.  

Also Available:

Fall Equinox Sabbat Mini-Course – $13  – Get the details here.  


Ravynwylde - A Sacred Year Journey for the Green Witch

Ancient Wisdom. Modern life. Infinite Possibilities.