rat on a dark background with a slab of cheese to the right with the words working with rat across the image.

Working with the Rat: What You Need to Know

The rat.

Few animals have as many hats to wear in our lexicon as the rat does. The word rat is used to denote the animal, it’s used as an exclamation and as an adjective. It might even be a verb if you consider the term “ratting” on someone.

But no matter how our language reflects the rat, it’s a survivor, an innovator, and a master of adaptation. This is why we can learn something from their wisdom when we work with them as a guide.

Here at Ravynwood, animals are an important aspect of my witchy ways and in my life. I can’t imagine life without them. That includes the animal guides I work with.

Many years ago, I worked in a pet store and part of my job was tending to the small animals like gerbils, rats, guinea pigs and hamsters. I enjoyed the rats the most. They had the sweetest nature and were the easiest to handle and deal with out of all the small animals.

While animals figure prominently for me, it’s important to note that some witches work with animals as guides while others do not. This is as it should be. Always make your practice your own.


The rat is associated with the month of October and here we will explore working with the rat as a kindred spirit or animal guide. 


Before we begin, you might notice that I do not use the term spirit animal here.

I have chosen to use the term kindred spirit instead. I must admit that I used the term spirit animal previously without realizing that it is disrespectful, but when you know better, you do better, right?

Special Note: There are other terms you might choose to use in your own practice, and you can explore those other options or alternative terms in this post or this one.


About the Rat


Collectively we might think of rats as just being pests that we see scurrying about city alleyways or rooting in dumpsters. For most of us, these small beings produce cringing and shrieking, but we don’t usually think of them as powerful teachers.

But these animals have many lessons and much wisdom to lend us.

So, if you’re cringing just thinking of rats, I’m hoping to change that today by shifting your perspective to one of regard and curiosity.


Rats will thrive anywhere. This might be the very first lesson they can share with us. They will live anywhere. City streets, farm fields and even on islands. They are found in many different environments across the world.


Their ability to adapt is uncanny. They’re resilient. They’re clever and they’re resourceful.


(Are you starting to see how they can help you? Good, keep reading.)


On a personal note, we have one that keeps coming into our home right now and I can vouch for their persistence. Despite our best efforts to deter it, it’s still finding a way in, leaving us a bit frustrated, but proving just how resourceful they are.


When you understand this aspect of the rat, it becomes much clearer how they can help you. Whether it’s challenges at work or navigating personal life transitions or even finding inspiration for something new, the rat can offer you guidance.

Let’s look at rats’ attributes to better understand how we can use their wisdom in our own lives.



the gray rat is on a black background
Gray Rat


Beyond the Stereotypes:  Rats in Mythology and Culture


Rats are often thought of as pests. But they also have a rich history in mythology.

Here’s a brief look at the cultural and mythological significance of rats.


East/West Symbolism & the Duality of Rats


Some eastern cultures hold the rat in high esteem.

In Chinese traditions, we find the rat in the zodiac. It’s also held as a symbol of prosperity and wealth.


In the west, the rat is perceived in quite a different way.


For example, they have a long association with the Black Plague since they were blamed for carrying it and spreading it, although it’s more likely the fleas on the rats that were the carriers.


They’re also often associated with treachery. The term “rat” is often used to identify a traitor or someone who betrays trust.

So, you can see from these opposite positions, there’s a clear duality in their symbolism and perceptions.



The Rat in Folklore: (Tales of Intelligence and Opportunity)


Even with the negative viewpoints about the rat, some cultures have embraced the rat as heroes in folklore and folktales.


Here’s some examples of that:


  • Aesop’s Fables: Rats are often portrayed as cunning in these tales, often outsmarting larger and more powerful animals.
  • Indian Folklore: Rats are in the Indian myths too. Lord Ganesha, one of the most revered deities, has a rat as his vehicle, symbolizing the deity’s ability to overcome all obstacles.
  • Japanese Tales: In some Japanese legends, white rats are considered lucky and believed to bring good fortune.
  • The Rat King: The Rat King refers to a group of rats whose tails are intertwined and bound together. It was seen as a bad omen, symbolizing plague, or other disasters in European folk tales.


Across the world, rats are woven into the tales of different cultures, sometimes seen as symbols of prosperity, and sometimes seen as bringers of doom.


In this duality, they have left an impact on our collective consciousness. Their resilience, adaptability, and intelligence resonate universally, urging us to look beyond stereotypes and appreciate the sheer depth of their legacy.


3 rats on a black background
3 Rats




The Resilience and Resourcefulness of the Rat


There are very few animals that have the remarkable combination of resilience and resourcefulness that’s found in the rat. They live anywhere, adapting and surviving and even thriving in many environments. This is all attributed to their unique mix of adaptability, intelligence, and social connections.


Thriving No Matter the Odds: The Rat’s Adaptability

Here are a few examples of their remarkable adaptability:

  • Adapting to City Life: In busy cities, rats show remarkable resourcefulness. They can navigate complicated sewer systems, forage food from dumpsters, and create shelters in the most unlikely places.
  • Diverse Natural Habitats: Beyond the city limits, rats have adapted to various natural habitats like forests, grasslands, and even marshes. Their dietary preferences can swiftly adjust to the availability of resources, and they excel at avoiding potential predators.
  • Physical Resilience: Rats can swim, climb, jump, and burrow. They can even collapse their rib cages, allowing them to squeeze through openings as small as a quarter! These things are a testament to their adaptability and resilience.


By now you’re beginning to see that rats have a lot of things to teach us.


Lessons from the Rat: Persistence, Ingenuity, and Community


Beyond their exceptional survival skills, rats offer other profound lessons that can be applied to our lives:


  • Persistence: Rats are determined creatures. They don’t give up easily, whether looking for food, shelter, or getting away from a threat. This relentlessness reminds us that we can persevere, overcome challenges, and reach our goals.
  • Ingenuity: Rats are problem solvers. They remember routes to avoid dangers, can figure out complex mazes, and even use tools in specific situations. Their ingenuity teaches us the importance of thinking outside the box and finding innovative solutions to our problems.
  • Community: Rats are social animals. They live in colonies, take care of their young, and even exhibit empathy towards their peers. They often share when food is scarce, indicating that they place high value on community and cooperation. This shows us that collaboration and mutual support are vital components of any thriving community.


They embody resilience, adaptability, and the importance of community.


By taking in these lessons, we can learn from this humble creature and apply this wisdom in our own lives to navigate the mazes (both the literal and figurative kinds) and problems that come up with the same sort of tenacity, intelligence, and collective spirit.



Working with Rat:  Using Their Qualities and Insights for Our Personal Growth


Those who have the rat as their kindred spirit or decide to work with the rat as a guide, will often find that they either have or need to cultivate the qualities that the rat embodies.

For example, the rat is an example of unwavering determination. Here’s how you can harness that quality to move yourself ahead, especially if you’re feeling stuck:


  • Facing Your Challenges Head-On: Just as the rat confronts barriers with curiosity and determination, you can tap into rat’s spirit to embolden you to face life’s challenges without hesitation.
  • Adapting & Problem Solving: Rats don’t get deterred by changes or unexpected twists. They adapt, reassess, and find new routes. If you use this flexibility, it allows you to approach challenges with a versatile and open mindset, always ready to pivot and adjust. Just like the rat does.
  • Always Learning & Exploring: These things drive the rat’s determination. This serves as a reminder of the significance of lifelong learning and the never-ending quest for knowledge. Consider how you can tap into that and put it to work in your life.


The Rat’s Social Nature: Building Relationships and Understanding Group Dynamics


While we often think of the rat as a solitary being, they are profoundly social creatures with very intricate group dynamics. Here’s how you can use those qualities in your life:


  • The Value of Community: Just as rats thrive in colonies, working together for mutual benefit, the rat reminds you of the importance of your own community. These collective efforts often yield more meaningful results than solitary endeavors. This can also be a reminder to ask for help when you need it.
  • Showing Empathy: Rats show empathy and will comfort other rats in distress. This quality highlights the importance of emotional connections, encouraging us to be compassionate and understanding in our relationships with others.
  • Clear Communication: Within their communities, rats communicate through vocalizations, body language, and even through scent. This serves as a reminder of the importance of clear and open exchanges in our interpersonal relationships.
  • Knowing Your Strengths: In a rat colony, members often take on various roles, from foraging to nurturing the young. This division of labor highlights the value of recognizing and leveraging individual strengths for the group’s overall well-being.


So, take a moment to consider how their determination, adaptability, and social connection can help you. How can these qualities or insights pave the way for your personal growth, deeper relationships, or even a renewed sense of purpose in your life’s journey.


rat sniffing the air on a black background



Characteristics & Behaviors of the Rat


Here’s a short guide to the qualities that rat embodies to inspire you to get to know them while you tap into the qualities and wisdom they offer you.




  • Rats can thrive in diverse (and even harsh) environments, from urban centers to wild habitats.
  • Their behavior changes based on its surroundings.




  • Rats demonstrate problem-solving skills.
  • They’re capable of learning and remembering routes.




  • Rats live in colonies, and they have complex social interactions.
  • They show empathy and comforting behaviors towards peers.




  • Effective at finding food and shelter even in challenging environments.
  • Uses what’s available to them to build nests and protective spaces.




  • Searches for food sources and safe habitats.
  • Don’t easily give up when faced with obstacles.




  • Primarily active during the night.
  • Uses the cover of darkness to avoid many predators.




  • Has a high reproduction rate often producing multiple litters in a year.
  • Each litter can have up to 7-14 offspring.




  • Uses vocalizations, body language, and scents to convey messages.
  • Maintains hierarchy and territory through various communication methods.




  • Can jump, climb, and swim.
  • Capable of squeezing through small spaces thanks to a flexible rib cage.




  • Has a keen sense of smell, hearing, and touch.
  • Whiskers are especially sensitive and help in navigation.


Foraging Behavior:


  • Constantly explores and investigates new food sources.
  • Stores food to ensure a consistent supply.




  • It can become aggressive if threatened or cornered.
  • Uses sharp incisors for defense and gnawing.


Tip:  Take a moment to reflect on these qualities and characteristics to note any that you have or any that you can cultivate in your life. You might also explore the symbolic meanings for each of these things and how they apply in your life.




Color Symbolism of the Rat


Rat coats have an array of colors, with each color carrying its own profound symbolic significance. Understanding the symbolism of coat color can offer a deeper connection to the rat as a guide or kindred spirit.


Black Rat Associations:


  • Mystery and Secrets: Black often represents the unknown or what’s hidden.
  • Protection: Just as the cover of darkness conceals, the black rat can symbolize protection from threats or negative energies.
  • Transformation: Black is also linked to endings and beginnings, signifying transformation, or rebirth.


White Rat Associations:


  • Purity and Innocence: White traditionally symbolizes purity, clarity, and innocence.
  • Guidance and Light: The brightness of white can indicate guidance in dark times or clarity in confusion.
  • New Beginnings: White can also denote fresh starts and clean slates.


Brown Rat Associations:


  • Grounding and Stability: Brown is the color of the earth, symbolizing grounding forces and stability.
  • Practicality: Represents being practical and down-to-earth.
  • Comfort and Homeliness: Brown also exudes a sense of warmth and comfort.


Grey Rat Associations:


  • Neutrality and Balance: Grey occupies the middle ground, symbolizing neutrality, balance, and the blending of opposites.
  • Transition: Represents periods of change or transition, neither black nor white, neither beginning nor end.
  • Unbiased Perception: Grey indicates seeing things without prejudice, taking a balanced view.


Albino (with red eyes) Rat Associations:


  • Sensitivity and Perception: The red eyes of the albino rat can symbolize heightened sensitivity or perception, especially in spiritual contexts.
  • Uniqueness and Individuality: Their distinct appearance signifies standing out, being unique, and embracing individuality.
  • Vision and Prophecy: The piercing red eyes can also be linked to foresight and prophetic visions.


Blue Rat Associations (this is a rare genetic shade):


  • Calm and Communication: Blue symbolizes calm, peace, and communication.
  • Intuition: Represents a deeper understanding and trust in one’s intuition.
  • Loyalty: Blue, especially in deeper shades, denotes loyalty and trustworthiness.


Consider the colors of rats you’ve observed. Let the symbolism of those colors help you tap into the unique energies and gifts of rat.





Rat as Your Kindred Spirit


With rat as your guide, you’re presented with the opportunity to learn lots of valuable lessons and gain a great deal of insight. Here’s what the rat kindred spirit is associated with:


Resourcefulness in Times of Scarcity:


  • Just as rats can find food and shelter in the most challenging environments, this encourages you to maximize limited resources. It reminds you that sometimes, less is indeed more.


Embrace Community and Collaboration:


  • Rats thrive in colonies, valuing the strength of the community. As a guide, the rat teaches the importance of relationships, urging you to foster bonds and work collaboratively with those around you.


Courage when Facing Challenges:


  • Even though small, rats are brave, often facing larger predators and challenging environments. Your rat kindred spirit encourages you to face your fears and challenges head-on without wavering.


Value of Strategy and Planning:


  • The rat’s ability to navigate complex terrains suggests the importance of planning and strategy. It’s a reminder to think ahead, set goals, and lay out a path to achieve them.


Continuous Personal Growth:


  • Rats are ever-growing, always learning from their surroundings. These qualities emphasize personal growth and evolution, urging you to learn from every experience.


Stay Grounded and Practical:


  • While rats can climb and explore, they usually remain close to the ground. This symbolizes staying grounded, being practical, and not losing touch with reality.


Embrace Curiosity and Exploration:


  • Rats are eternally curious. This signifies an invitation to remain open-minded, explore, and constantly seek knowledge.


Transformation and Renewal:


  • Rats experience rapid life cycles and because of this rat signify transformation. They remind you of the cyclical nature of life, emphasizing rebirth, renewal, and personal transformation.


Importance of Discretion:


  • Moving silently and often unnoticed, the rat encourages discretion. It’s a call to understand when to be visible and when to stay in the shadows, emphasizing the value of timing.


Welcoming Abundance and Prosperity:


  • In some cultures, rats invite abundance into your life as symbols of prosperity. They remind you to be receptive to opportunities and to welcome good fortune.


Persistence in Pursuits:


  • Rats demonstrate relentless drive, whether searching for food or evading threats. This reminds you to be determined and to persevere in your endeavors.


Heightened Sensitivity:


  • With keen senses, rats are highly attuned to their surroundings. This may mean that you have, or need to develop, a heightened sensitivity to the energies around you.


Embracing New Beginnings:


  • Rats are most active at dawn and dusk, so they herald new beginnings. They may be signaling a fresh start or urging you to embrace change with optimism.


Innovation and Problem-Solving:


  • They have a remarkable ability to navigate challenges and that suggests innovation. They inspire out-of-the-box thinking and finding solutions to complex problems.


Deep Connection to the Underworld:


  • In many mythologies, rats have a connection to the underworld. They can represent diving deep into the subconscious, uncovering secrets, or understanding the deeper facets of one’s psyche.


Intuition and Instinct:


  • Rats often rely on their instincts to survive. This encourages you to trust your gut feelings and intuitive insights.


Emphasis on Saving and Preparation:


  • Because they’re known for hoarding food, they symbolize preparation for harder times. It’s a reminder to be frugal, save for the future, and always be prepared.


Understanding Shadows and Light:


  • Living both above and below ground, rats understand the play of shadows and light. They call us to integrate and accept both the light and dark aspects of oneself.


Recognizing Opportunities:


  • With the ability to slip into small openings or gaps, rat signifies the ability to spot and seize opportunities that others might overlook.


Mastering Stealth and Strategy:


  • Rats know when to be seen and when to disappear. They teach the art of stealth, patience, and waiting for the right moment to act.


rat in the wild with green plants all around it.




Connecting with Rat Kindred Spirit


To connect with and use the rat’s guidance and wisdom, try these simple exercises. There’s journal prompts, a visualization exercise, and a meditation to help you align with the rat’s energies, gain clarity or purpose, or to develop a deeper understanding of your path.


Journal Prompts to Help You Connect with Rat


  • What are ways that I can demonstrate resourcefulness in my life?
  • What challenges am I facing right now? How can I work with rat’s energies to inspire me to overcome them?
  • How do I stay grounded in situations that threaten to knock me off balance? What steps do I need to take to maintain balance?
  • How innovative am I when faced with challenges?
  • Visualize a day in the life of a rat. What insights or perspectives can I gain from this exercise?



Visualization to Connect with Rat


Begin by finding a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed.

Close your eyes and take deep, calming breaths.

Visualize a rat in front of you.

Observe every detail, movement, and behavior.

As you observe, extend an invitation for the rat to draw nearer, allowing its energy to blend with your own.

As its essence envelops you, it will be infusing you with its unique qualities and characteristics.

You can hold onto this visualization for as long as you wish. Journaling about your experience afterward is recommended to explore this experience even further.

You can repeat this visualization any time you like.



Meditation to Connect with Rat:  The Maze Meditation


To do this meditation, see yourself in a maze.

Let it symbolize your life’s journey as you navigate its twists and turns.

When faced with an obstacle, channel the rat’s determination to find a way forward.

This meditation can offer insights into overcoming personal challenges.


Tip:  Repeat it anytime that you’re faced with something you need to overcome.



Summary of Working with the Rat Kindred Spirit


Here we’ve explored the rat as a guide or kindred spirit. Whether it’s the kindred spirit you’ve had since birth or one that you choose to work with because of its qualities, the rat has lots to offer you.

From the symbolism and cultural significance to the practical qualities they possess, the rat can support your personal growth journey.

By working with Rat, you can tap into its wisdom to help you navigate life’s challenges with greater resilience, adaptability, and a deeper sense of community.


Blessed be.




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