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Grab the Sacred Journey Through October Course today for just....


Samhain course called a sacred journey through October text with a dark background and a lighted candle.

Here's Exactly What You Get:

This course includes sections for celebrating this third harvest festival of the year, honoring your ancestors and learning from entropy in nature. 

October brings us Samhain and a thinning of the veil between the worlds as the seasons shift more fully into fall.

We have unique opportunities at this time to observe the lessons of nature in a way that isn’t possible at any other time of the year.

While you’ll tap into that connection to your Earth Mother during October and explore celebrating Samhain, there’s also an opportunity to honor your ancestors, and take in the wisdom of entropy.

Don’t miss out, get yours now!

Get A Sacred Journey through October. It’s just $20! 

Click below.