Loaf of fresh baked bread on a bread board with a knife alongside.

Fresh Baked Bread, My Grandmother’s Favorite Recipe

It’s time for a little kitchen witchery with some fresh baked bread! Every green witch has at least a little kitchen witch inside her, right?

Is there anything better than the smell of freshly baked bread wafting through the house?  I don’t think so!  It’s the perfect aromatherapy to comfort my soul!  Besides, there’s nothing better than enjoying whole, real, home made food!

I’ve never been especially good at making bread though.  It’s taken a lot of trial and error to get me to that lovely, lightly browned, soft inside loaf that reminds me of the bread my late grandmother used to make.

She was truly an artist at bread making.  I’ve heard baking described as science instead of art, but I disagree.  There’s absolutely an art to making bread.  She even baked in a wood-fired cook stove right up until her passing at age 90.

I didn’t inherit her gift.  I regularly fill my kitchen with smoke, and it has actually been on fire twice!  Fortunately,  there’s been no serious  damage.

I’ve pressed on, and today I want to share my grandmother’s bread recipe with you.  It’s been handed down through each generation of my family  and now to you.  Of course, feel free to experiment with this recipe, make substitutions, and make it your own.

And if you loved this recipe for making your very own fresh baked bread, don’t miss the Cinnamon Bun recipe at the bottom of this page!  So easy, and so yummy!

Loaf of fresh baked bread on a bread board with a knife alongside.

Fresh Baked Bread
Hannah’s Favorite Bread Recipe

1/2 yeast cake

4 cups of warm water (not hot)

4 tablespoons of sugar

4 teaspoons of salt

2 tablespoons of lard

Flour to make dough.

Let rise. Bake 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Less with a gas stove – 30 minutes

Yields 4 loaves or 2 loaves along with 2 dozen cinnamon buns.

While Hannah used cake yeast, you can substitute other types.  Learn more about yeast substitutions on the Red Star website.  


None of my ancestors ever wrote down instructions with their recipes.  None of us are very good at actually measuring anything or following recipes either.  If it looks right, we go with it. But here’s what to do:

Combine yeast and warm water with  1/2 teaspoon (or so) of sugar.  Let that sit to activate.

Combine sugar, salt, and about 3 cups of flour.

Add in lard. (This will have to be softened so it combines nicely.)

Add your yeast to this mixture, and mix until smooth.

Add in flour – about 1/2 cup at a time until you create a soft dough. (exact amounts will vary)

Turn this onto a floured surface and knead until it becomes smooth.  It will be stretchy. This will take about 10 minutes.

Place this in a greased bowl to rise until it doubles in size.  This should take 60 minutes or so.

Once your dough has doubled, punch it down.

Turn it onto a floured surface and divide into 2 or 4 sections depending upon how many loaves you’re doing – this recipe makes 4 loaves of bread or 2 loaves of bread and 2 dozen cinnamon buns.

Shape your loaves and place in greased baking pans. Cover these and let them rise again until doubled. This takes about 60 minutes.

Bake at 350 (degrees F) until golden brown.  Lightly knock on the bread, it will sound hollow when it’s done.

Depending upon your oven, this will take 30 – 60 minutes to be just right.  Check it at 30 minutes, and add time until you figure out the perfect baking time for your oven.

(Remember her baking time was for a wood-fired cook stove.  I’d bet you’re not using one of those, but if you are – awesome!)

cinnamon rolls recipe from fresh baked bread dough, shown in a baking pan

To make Cinnamon Buns:

This recipe is super simple and I love that about it.  Plus who doesn’t love a recipe that does double duty? Fresh baked bread and cinnamon buns?  Yes, please.

Once you have allowed the dough to rise like you’re making bread, then you’ll roll out the dough.  This will be sort of like you’re making cut out cookies.

Butter the dough, covering it well.  Then, sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon (as much as you like!) and bake at 350 (degrees F).

These will take about 30 minutes, but watch them until you figure out the perfect time for your oven.

There’s just one thing left to do – Enjoy!

There’s nothing quite like a little kitchen witchery, so I hope you get to enjoy this recipe for fresh baked bread very soon.

Blessed Be!


Create a little kitchen witchery magick in your kitchen with these recipes too:

Strawberry Shortcake Recipe

My Favorite Chocolate Vinegar Cake