Everything Offered Here

Welcome witches!  Come in and look around. This page has everything offered here at Ravynwood.

Use the buttons to jump to the section(s) you’re looking for today. 

Paid Offers

Please check out our offers here.

If you’d love to learn about witchery without spending a lot, then this might be just what you’re looking for. It will cost you less each month than getting a cup of coffee every day. Get the details here. 

A limited number of animal communication sessions are available each week. Availability is posted each Monday. You can schedule here. 

Want to check in with your animal friend? Ever wonder what your animal is thinking?
Me too. That’s why I was so drawn to animal communication. I’ve been practicing since the mid-1990’s and I’m still amazed by the animals I work with.
In these online sessions, I’ll connect to your animal friend and share their answers with you.
I specialize in horses, but also accept appointments with cats, dogs, and other animals.
What to know:
  • Please bring along a pen and paper if you’d like to make notes. Sessions are not recorded.
  • Appointments are 20 minutes in length
  • We meet online
  • This service is not eligible for refunds
  • Availability varies by week and appointment availability is updated every week on Monday.
After you’ve booked your time and date, please send an image of your animal and the animal’s name to alchemy@ravynwood.com 
If you have any questions before scheduling, please email them to alchemy@ravynwood.com
I’m here to help.
If for any reason your appointment needs to be rescheduled, we will reach out via email.
Appointment reminders are sent, but please make sure you set a reminder too. No-shows are generally not rescheduled or refunded, so please keep that in mind. Of course, if you have an urgent situation, please contact us at the email above to make arrangements. Life happens to us all.

Free Things

Lots of free goodies here! Choose from one-page sabbat guides, mini-courses, card spreads, printable items and more! 

Click here to sign-up. 

Resources for all types of things can be found here. From cool business tools to recommendations for yoga videos on YouTube plus fun freebies from my friends. 

Visit the Resources Page here. 

Lots of articles here. Everything from the yearly sabbat and esbat dates to living your best witchy life to tips on growing your own herbs. 

Visit the blog here. 

Animal Communication Services

A limited number of animal communication sessions are available each week. Availability is posted each Monday. You can schedule here. 

Want to check in with your animal friend? Ever wonder what your animal is thinking?
Me too. That’s why I was so drawn to animal communication. I’ve been practicing since the mid-1990’s and I’m still amazed by the animals I work with.
In these online sessions, I’ll connect to your animal friend and share their answers with you.
I specialize in horses, but also accept appointments with cats, dogs, and other animals.
What to know:
  • Please bring along a pen and paper if you’d like to make notes. Sessions are not recorded.
  • Appointments are 20 minutes in length
  • We meet online
  • This service is not eligible for refunds
  • Availability varies by week and appointment availability is updated every week on Monday.
After you’ve booked your time and date, please send an image of your animal and the animal’s name to alchemy@ravynwood.com when you book.
If you have any questions before scheduling, please email them to alchemy@ravynwood.com
I’m here to help.
If for any reason your appointment needs to be rescheduled, we will reach out via email.
Appointment reminders are sent, but please make sure you set a reminder too. No-shows are generally not rescheduled or refunded, so please keep that in mind. Of course, if you have an urgent situation, please contact us at the email above to make arrangements. Life happens to us all.

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