Solitary green witches or those who are interested in green witchcraft and live in the northern hemisphere.
Those who believe that the path of witchcraft is one or personal growth and transformation that blends the practical and the magickal into living your magick every single day.
What’s inside?
Inside, there’s free starter goodies – practical ones and magickal ones – to help you start your green witch journey.
There’s one-page sabbat guides for your Book of Shadows, coloring pages, habit trackers, the Green Witch Basics course, and more.
When you sign up for these, you’ll be added to our free newsletter list, but you can unsubscribe at any time if it’s not right for you.
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Below is a preview of the things you can find inside.
The Wheel of the Year Sabbat Guides
Simple one page PDF Guides that you can pop into your Book of Shadows to remind you of all the important aspects of each Sabbat on the Wheel of the Year.
Free Sabbat Guides
One-Page Sabbat Guides
Add these one page Sabbat Guides to your Book of Shadows to help you plan and prepare for your rituals and celebrations.
Get them in the Vault
Free Class
Green Witch Basics
Green Witchcraft Basics Audio Class
Curious about green witchery? Want to know more? This short audio class will introduce you to the world of green witchery.
Foundational Skills
Goodies based on the Ravynwood Foundations.
The Ravynwood Foundations are 6 foundational tools that are simple, easy to use and available to just about everyone. These help you in your magickal and practical life! They are:
Healing Creativity
Reiki (healing energy)
Free Coloring Pages
Healing Creativity – Coloring Pages
Healing creativity is one of the Ravynwood Foundations. So, here’s a collection of coloring pages to help spark your creative joy.
Free Coloring Pages
Meditation Tips
Meditation is one of the Ravynwood Foundations. This PDF of tips will help you create the perfect-for-you practice.