2023 Free Moon Calendar

Are you ready to get aligned with the moon so you can plan and manifest with the moon's cycles?

Free Moon Calendar 2023 - beautiful half moon with blue and purple landscape background.

This guide is going to help you finally do that.


With this 12 month calendar, you’ll have a quick way to know what each day’s phase is so you can plan and manifest with the moon.  Getting in tune with the moon is a great way to begin reconnecting to nature and her cycles.  Get your copy of the free moon calendar now. 

Plus when you sign up, you’ll also get some other goodies like a 2023 Moon Journal with journal prompts for every new and full moon, a video to help you begin working with the moon’s phases and more! 


here's how to use your calendar

Track the waxing and waning cycles of the moon so you’ll know when to plan for things like project launches, manifesting your dreams and more. 


Track the daily moon cycle so you can begin to connect to each phase of the moon. 


Connecting with the moon’s phases and cycles is an easy way to begin connecting more deeply with Mother Earth and her cycles, seasons and patterns.  


Grab the 2023 Free Moon Calendar Now!


Why work with the moon's phases and cycles?

The moon has been used for millennia to help track the passing of time and the seasons.  Our ancestors used it to decide when to plant and when to harvest.  Today, you can connect with these same energies through working with the moon’s phases and cycles.  Here’s how you can benefit from it: 

  1. Self-discovery: Working with the Moon and attuning  to its cycles and phases can be a way of deepening your spiritual practice.

  2. Connecting with nature and the divine: Many people find that working with the moon helps them to feel more connected to the natural world and to the divine.  This connection to the natural world can be beneficial in improving your work, relationships, and even your creative projects.

  3. Creativity: The phases of the Moon are often associated with different energies and themes, and that can help to stimulate creativity and inspire new ideas.

  4. Planning: Certain phases may be more favorable for certain types of activities meaning that you can improve your chances of success by considering the moon’s phase.
  5. Ease and flow:  Aligning to the moon’s phases may improve how you experience your time and schedule. Giving you a feeling of flow and ease in your day.
photo of Karen, Wise Woman of Ravynwood

Just in case we haven't quite been introduced before...

I'M karen, YOUR guide to connecting to mother nature, the wise woman way.

Merry Meet! I’m Karen.
Wise Woman, Crone & Creatrix here at Ravynwood. I help women reconnect to Mother Earth, her beings and themselves. To hear your inner voice, listen to Mother Earth speak, heal your old wounds, and create a life rooted in the Wise Woman Way of connection, magick and meaning.

Here, you’re seen, heard, supported, and inspired.